{Niall's POV}
The sun is glistening off the wooden floors as it gushes in through the east facing windows, lighting up the open plan living area that I have just walked into. Asha is sitting on the couch, nursing a glass of apple juice, as her eyes are fixated onto a repeat episode of Play School.
The grass is still slightly damp when I touch my toes on the edge of it that meets the big sliding glass doors that lead out of the living area into the backyard. The rain hit Melbourne hard around ten o'clock last night, but apparently stopped well before dawn, leaving the outside setting only slightly damp.
"Daddy, where's Mummy?" Asha's voice drags me back into the living area, leaving the doors open to let the fresh air in.
"Mummy had to work," I reply, ruffling my daughter's messy bed-head. "But she'll be home soon."
"Okay," Asha nods, turning back to the television, sipping at her golden coloured juice. Apparently ABC Kids is more interesting than me.
Ella called after Asha went to be last night, informing me that an excessive amount of trauma victims came into the emergency room, and the odds were that she'd have to be there all night. It's okay though. It's her job. My job used to require me flying from continent to continent at ridiculous times. Ella has to look after sick children into the early hours of the morning. I think it's more than understandable.
"Daddy," Asha pipes up again. I look up from making coffee and Ella's now green eyes are watching me. Over time I noticed that Ella's eyes alternate between blue and green colours. Presumably that's where Asha got her green eyes. They're beautiful eyes too.
"Yes Ash?"
"When are we going to see our family?" Asha questions.
"What do you mean?" I respond, glancing back down at my coffee, string in the sugar, slightly confused about who she is talking about. My Dad came out not all that long ago with Greg, Denise and their kids. Ella's parents were here literally last week...
"You know, Dad. Uncle Liam, Auntie Jesy, Zuri and Ellie, and everyone else. Our family!" Asha exclaims happily.
Our family. A seven-year-old just defined them as our family. It's crossed my mind of course. But I don't think anything hits as hard as a young child telling you the blinding obvious. I don't think I've ever sincerely believed it all until now. They're our family too.
"Um, I don't know Asha. I hope we see them soon."
"Maybe they can come to Australia!" Asha suggests excitedly. "But maybe not all at once. There's a lot of people and not enough beds!"
Asha's logic makes me stifle a laugh and try to nod my head seriously. Asha doesn't quite understand the concept of hotels yet... but I like the way she thinks. I guess if they're family, they should stay with us.
Ella appears in the doorway and Asha is off the couch before you can say 'go'. Ella laughs and kisses Asha multiple times as Asha literally hangs off her mother like a koala. You can see it in Ella. The tiredness of working thirty-six hours straight, except her eyes are so bright from being able to hold Asha, that the tiredness seems to slip away - almost unnoticed.
"Hey beautiful," I place a kiss on Ella's temple as she takes my coffee, downing it in a few gulps. I'm pretty sure coffee is the only thing that keeps her going half the time. That and the prospect of being able to come home to our daughter.
"Hey Niall," Ella smiles tiredly once drinking the coffee. "How have things been around here?"
"Excellent. Lonely without you, but Asha replaces the loss of noise and mess easily herself," I reply. "How was your shift?"

Mixed Direction
FanficFourth Book in Series. Tragic endings; beautiful starts. Millions of pieces glued to mend their hearts. Only hope, strength, trust and love can mend what has broken. Can they do it?