Chapter Forty- Three: Possibilities

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{Jesy's POV}

Possibility is the state or fact of something being possible- well that's what the dictionary says. Possibility to me, is something that can be terrifying, but at the same time interesting. You never know what is going to happen, with every action you make a thousand new possibilities arise.

I've always been that person who worries about the bad things that could happen and have to be reassured that it's going to be okay. Like right now, whilst the obstetrician is checking over my charts and moving the probe across my stomach whilst checking on our son, I'm thinking of all the things that could go wrong.

Premature labour, labour problems, birth defects, my baby might have to have surgery, I might clonk out, either of us might die. I was reading up on everything before we came, and Jake had to sit me down with a cup of tea and reassure me that everything would be okay, and if anything gets in our way we can work around it. Plus, the chances of anything like that happening are very low.

"Okay, so," Erica turns to look at us, closing up the charts and smiling. "Everything is going great Jesy," Erica says happily. "You've had some fake labour, but that's controllable, just give us a ring is there's any bleeding or severe pain before thirty- seven weeks," Erica explains.

"Your health and your son's health are just where we need, and for every bit of weight you gain, half of it goes to him. Continue to eat healthily all the norm," Erica says. "Other than that, here's some information on this trimester, and I suppose I will, if all goes well, be seeing you in six to eight weeks," Erica smiles and stands up, shaking both of our hands and then leaving the room.

I get off the bed and pull my top across my eight months pregnant stomach. Jake hands me my bag and we head to the counter and then walk back to the car, well I kind of waddle more than walk. Everything is getting harder. Sleeping, eating, back pain, energy, I also am having shortness of berth in some stages due to the fact that the baby is pushing up into my diaphragm, all completely normal- but annoying.

"So, are we going to head to Louis' for Zayn's birthday, or would you prefer to just head home?" Jake asks as we buckle ourselves into the car. I look at the clock as Jake starts the engine. It's four- thirty now, and I'm not tired, I'm only pregnant, it's not some life draining exercise.

"Let's go to Louis'. I've got Zayn's present with me," I tell Jake as he pulls out of the car spot. I just got Zayn a book. The lady at the store was explaining it to me and as soon as she did I decided that it was the right book to buy him. It's called Halogen and it's a mystery sort of thing but it includes art and all that sort of stuff. The lady described it better than me, don't worry.

"Okay then," Jake rubs my knee and we head off towards Louis' house.

{Zayn's POV}

There are some things that make you worry. Possibilities of things happen that actually start to scare the shit out of you, and I don't mean scary things, I mean when you do something that will potentially change everything for you, and from then on the possibilities that entail are endless.

Perrie is across the room, talking to Harry about something, but I divert my attention away when Rosie comes and sits down to my right, placing her bowl with cake in it down in front of her. I watch as she scoops up a mouthful with her spoon and then shovels it into her mouth.

"Is that nice Roo?" I chuckle a little and Rosie looks up at me, smiling with her cheeks stuffed and her mouth closed. "Gorgeous girl," I rub her back gently and Ellie comes and sits down in my lap, her back pressed to my chest.

"Daddy," Ellie speaks up.

"Hmm," I mumble for her to continue, resting my chin against the top of her head.

"I think Mummy is sick," Ellie tells me. I frown a little at Ellie's comment and then look up at Perrie who looks fine, but her arm is wrapped across her stomach as she talks to Louis. Then again, she does rest her arm across there often.

"What do you mean El?" I question.

"Vomiting, Daddy. Mummy has been vomiting lots," Ellie replies.

"Don't tell anyone else that, okay?" I check and Ellie nods her head. "Okay baba, can you help Rosie take her plate up?" I ask and Ellie nods, taking Rosie into the kitchen to give Louis her bowl. I on the other hand stand up off the floor and walk down the hallway and our into the backyard, pacing back and forth across the snow coated grass.

Perrie could just be sick. Just because we've been having sex doesn't necessarily mean that other things have happened. People do get sick, and it would only be natural for Perrie to try and hide it from the girls so they don't panic. But she looks okay at the moment, she doesn't look physically sick with gastro or something like that.

I wore condoms, I always wore condoms. But knowing us. Out of all the possibilities, this is what I immediately jump to. Does that mean that I want this? We're not in the right space to be having another one, are we? One second we're having sex, then we're calling it off completely, then I kiss her, and now we're.... We kissed. We actually kissed and it was like being reborn again. We've kind of avoided each other for the past two days though, since it happened.

"Are you okay?" I turn around at the sound of her voice. Perrie is standing in the doorway, he arms crossed across her chest because of the temperature out here. "Come back inside, pace in the hall, not out here," Perrie nods inside.

I walk inside after her and stand in the hallway. Perrie slides the door closed and hands me my jacket. I pull it on whilst she just stands there, rocking from side to side a little, her head down and her arms folded across her body again.

I look at the way her hair is starting to naturally turn darker around her roots, slowing fading into her ponytail that is resting towards the top of her head, like it normally is.

"Thanks," I mumble and Perrie looks up, her blue eyes meeting mine for a spit second. I can't stop thinking now, that she might be pregnant. It would be typically us for her to be pregnant, leaving the possibilities to be endless.

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