Chapter Twenty- Seven: Silence

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{Louis' POV}

They say that silence speaks when words cannot. It can be the most powerful scream. Then there's some maths involved. If you add in a smile, the squinted eyes, the inability to speak because you're so happy. That's a type of silence that I love. That silence when you feel you're whole world slotting into place, each piece fitting perfectly. When nothing else matters more than that moment, and even an earthquake couldn't shake it apart. 

Henry lets out another squeal of delight, making me laugh more along with him. He has a very contagious laugh for such a small lad. He's also a very strong lad. He was born premature and then survived three different surgeries along with a four weeks hooked up to an incubator. All premature babies that make it out strong and healthy are proof that miracles do exist. They prove that you don't have to big to be strong. They prove anyone can be strong. 

Now they reckon Henry will be able to go 'home' next week. In other words, some people might want to actual adopt him when he's out of the NICU. 

I've been coming every three or so days to check in on Henry. I normally just lay a blanket out on the ground and sit down on it with him either lying in front of me or holding him whilst he sleeps. I've also been the one who gets to feed him and put him to sleep if I'm here at sleeping times. I normally sing to him, lullabies and other songs. Henry's favourite seems to be if  I sing 'Happily' in a lullaby version. 

"Hey Louis," Artie one of the nurses comes over and squats down next to me, tickling Henry a little.

"Hey Artie," I reply, looking at her and flashing a smile. Artie is my favourite nurse and she always comes over and talks to me whilst checking up on Henry and talking to me. Plus, she has incredible eyes! They're bright blue but the rim around her eyes is so dark that her eyes stand out in an incredible way. 

"Hello Henry, hello!" Artie coos at him and Henry just gives Artie a cheeky grin. 

"How about you laugh for Artie, Boon?" I ask him.

"Boon?" Artie questions, looking up at me. "Nickname?" She asks. I nod my head, blushing a little. "Aww, it's a cute nickname," she laughs. Artie is Australian, as I learnt the first time I spoke to her. I asked if she knew Ella and she told me that she remembers her. Ella was Artie's favourite doctor. 

"Hey Louis," Artie sits down, crossing her legs. "You know how Henry is going to have to be adopted," Artie says and I nod. "Well, you could be the one to adopt him. I mean, you come here all the time to see him, you gave him the perfect name for him, and you've shown him more love and care than anyone else. You should be the one to adopt him." 

And there it is. That silence. The excited silence where my smile is from ear to ear, I have a look crossed with shock and joy across my face and I can feel my heart racing a hundred kilometres per hour inside my chest. Imagine if I got to be Henry's Dad. I would know that he went to a good home, and that he was around lots of nice and incredible people. That he'd still have songs sung to him every night. 

"Really?" I squeak out to Artie and she smiles back, nodding her head. "Well then, yes!" 

"Okay!" Artie laughs and jumps up. "Now, obviously you're going to have to see Social Workers and talk to all those people, but for now we can get you to fill out a form putting you on the list for Henry. You're going to be the only one on there so far, so I think you're going to have a pretty good chance," Artie explains. "Um, then we'll hand the forms over to the Social Workers, and because you're adopting him from a hospital, it will be a pretty quick process, if you tick all the boxes, which I'm certain you will!" Artie rubs my shoulder and then dashes away to the nurse's station. 

I look back down at Henry and can't help but smile. I'm going to have a son, well hopefully I'm going to have a son. I feel like Henry's Dad, so why shouldn't I be. I can look after a child. I can be a good Dad to Henry. I've cared for Lillie, Rosie, Ellie, Zuri, and Asha. I can be a good Dad. I will be a good Dad. 

"Here you go Louis," Artie hands me the papers and I thank her, holding the pen in my hand and starting to fill out the forms. I finally sign the bottom of the paper and then pass them back to Artie. "Thanks Artie."

"No worries Louis," Artie smiles and then walks away again. Well, this is it then. I'm going to try and adopt Henry. 

I guess I'm known for being loud. For having an inability to keep quiet. But this year I have learnt how to appreciate the quiet. How to enjoy the silence, how to enjoy different types of silence. I've also learnt that some of the best moments in life, come from just being quiet and enjoying them. Taking in the full experience. 

If I'm going to learn anything in the future- I now know how to do it. As my Mum used to say to me, with one finger held over her lips: "Louis! Shhhh!" 


Sorry it's short..... New chapter coming soon though! (: 

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