1: disapearances

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Mollie (pov)

Here I was again, in Nancy Wheeler's bedroom just sitting there in quiet contemplation while she's on the phone with Barb giving her the details that she's already given me about Steve "The Hair" Harrington. Don't get me wrong, it's fun being friends with Nancy and Barb but it can be exhausting. But I would say I have a closer friendship with Jonathan Byers. He was able to understand where I've come from before arriving here in Hawkins Indiana.

Before moving here, I wasn't allowed to have friends (according to my father.) I've gotten better socially with the people my age since my family and I arrived in this small town. Since he and I had almost the same background growing up it was easy to bond with him.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when my brother knocked on Nancy's door with an extra slice of pizza from his and friends D&D campaign. I gladly took the slice on my way out from Nancy's and told her I'll see her at school.

"How did the campaign go?" I asked Dustin.

"It was going great until we had to stop. Then Will couldn't find one of the die that flew to the ground, but it was pointless. He didnt roll a high enough number to beat the Demogorgon with his fireball. I told him to cast protection but he didn't and-"

I had to cut him off from his rant before we hit the bottom of the stairs to go back home. "You know, Dustin, it's just a game. Also if the dungeon master didn't see the roll, it doesn't count. Well, at least in my opinion."

I stopped by the kitchen before leaving the house and let Mrs. Wheeler know everyone's heading home. "Thank you for letting Dustin and I spend part of the day here, Mrs. Wheeler."

"Oh, not a problem at all, honey. Do you want to bring any leftovers home tonight?" she said.

"No thank you, our mom's trying this new diet and she's not telling me what she can and can't eat so, I don't want to risk anything." I explained.

"Okay, then. Tell her I said 'hello'."

"Yes ma'am," I said with a smile.

I could hear the kids' conversation about Nancy and I dressing up for their campaigns back in the day when we first moved here. I still dress up for them when they ask. I just love seeing the joy on their faces when they're enjoying something they love to do.

I opened the door and told the boys to go easy on Nancy since she's my age, kind of, and we go through the same hormonal curse at our ages.

I walked behind all the boys; Lucas, Will and Dustin while they were on their bikes going slow enough for me to stay with them. I swear I'm part babysitter to these kids sometimes.

"Hey, Will. Do you wanna stay at our place for the night? I saw Jonathan at his job earlier and said he was taking an extra shift today. Plus he wanted me to make sure you were safe."

"No thanks, I'll be okay," he said.

"Alright, call him or me when you get home."

He nodded and asked him for a race to our mailbox. Just out of my ear shot I could hear Dustin betting on one of his comics to see who would get there first. Not in my shock, Will made it there first and shouted "I'll take your X-Men 134,"

Since they decided to race, that meant I had to run the rest of the way down hill. Once I finally got to the house, Dustin and I got ready for bed and had a small late night snack while feeding the new family cat. Mom was already sound asleep in her room. Hopefully whenever Will calls it won't wake her up. I was gonna stay up an extra hour just in case he was safe. Within that hour, I decided to finish up my homework that I left last minute, it was history so it wouldn't be too much of a challenge.

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