14: demo-dogs

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Mollie (pov)

"Yeah, you're right. It's hard to tell but we got to figure out something, we can't just sit here all night with no plan," Lucas said.

He was right, we need to figure out something fast. We could go to the lab, that's my first guess, since it's kind of the 'hub' for everything bad that happened last year. "Hey, guys. I think we should head to the lab, maybe that's where they went."

"Okay, yeah. That's a good theory," said Lucas. "Come on, I know how to get there from here."

And with that we were on our way with Lucas and Dustin leading, Max in the middle and Steve and I in the back of the group. All the talk about Dart and his molting pattern kinda grossed out Steve in a way, it was kinda funny for me.

"Yeah, and he's gonna eat a lot more than just cats," Steve said trying to lighten the mood. Bad idea.

"Wait, a cat," Lucas asked Dustin and I.

"No, what? No," Dustin replied.

"What are you talking about? He ate Mews," Steve said.

"Mews? Who's Mews," Max asked.

"Mollie and Dustin's cat."

"Steve! Not the time," I said.

"I knew it! You kept him," Lucas shouted.

Dustin tried to deny it and failed. "He missed me. He wanted to come home, I didn't know he was a Demogorgon, okay?"

"We have more serious problems than Dart right now. So can you two shelf this for another time? Please and thank you," I said, urging all of us to keep going.

They didn't listen to me and kept on with their argument. Steve and I could hear the screeching from a good distance, the lab isn't too far away now. The five of us headed towards the sounds. We found a clearing outside of the woods, we could see the lights in town but the lab was nowhere to be found with the naked eye.

"I found the lab, but it looks like the power went out," said Lucas, looking through his binoculars.

That's never a good sign, I think. We headed down the hill and towards the lab though the woods, surprisingly it wasn't too far away, only a good ten minute walk. We got to the entrance and I could hear someone calling out. It vaguely sounded like Jonathan but I wasn't too sure since it was dark.

The group came out of the tree line with Nancy and Jonathan, who seemed stunned that Steve and I were with the kids. I could say the same thing about them, too. Running off to who knows where with each other.

"What are you doing here," Nancy asked.

"What are you doing here," Steve asked back.

"We're looking for Mike and Will," Nancy answered.

"They're not in the lab, are they," I asked.

"Not sure," said Nancy.

Another screech came from inside the lab now. That doesn't sound good at all. We all collectively started talking over one another about everything. None of us noticed that the power came back on until Nancy pointed it out. Jonathan raced to the security gate and tried pressing the open button, it wasn't working. Then Dustin pushed his way through trying it himself, it still wasn't working.

"Nancy, when did you see the lights come back on," I asked.

"Only a couple minutes ago, why?"

"Great, thanks. Boys, the power just came back on, that gate isn't gonna start working for another couple minutes. Be patient."

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