3: looking for answers

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*TW: violation of privacy, partial nudity*

Mollie (pov)

You'd think I'd still be able to sleep in even if it was a school day, but no. Dustin was the one who woke me up at six in the morning asking me to make breakfast and snacks for after school. Maybe it was a good thing; doing everything the night before. I asked him why I was making all this food; said it was for the AV club. I gave him my look of 'you're not really lying to me right now, are you' and told me what's really going on. Something about "Operation Mirkwood" and about this girl with superpowers.

"So, I'm just making this food for everyone to have energy for the travels? Is that it," I asked Dustin.

"Yes, essentially," he said with a smile on his face. And headed out the door towards the Wheeler's house. "And thank you for the breakfast sandwich."

"You're welcome, Dusty."

I sat in the kitchen with four extra breakfasts. I figured I could bring two to Jonathan and Ms. Byers. I wrapped one for mom, she'll find it in the fridge when she wakes up. I put the other ones in my lunch bag to bring to Jonathan and left the house with mine in hand eating while I walked.

When I got to Jonathan's he looked like he just woken up because he was still in his boxers and a plain white t-shirt.

"Morning, starshine. Want some breakfast? I made some of my signature sandwiches."

"You're a lifesaver, you know that," said Jonathan with a sigh of relief. "Mom is... I'm not too sure actually. She said something about Will talking through the lights. I feel like she's going insane."

"Well, Jonathan. If I was her; I'd probably go insane too. Go easy on her. All of this is a lot for anyone to deal with. I'll go and try to talk with her, okay. Go get dressed and ready, we can walk if you want."

"Yeah, sure. Sounds good. Uhm, mom's in Will's room."

I followed the hallway to Will's room. There were lamps all around her. I knocked on the door lightly letting her know I was there.

"Hey, Ms. Byers. How are you today?"

"I... uh, I could be better, thank you honey," she said in a distraught tone.

"I brought over a couple of my signature breakfast sandwiches, I can put it in the microwave for you and we can go in the dining room, yeah?"

"Okay, that sounds good. Thank you so much Mollie, honey."

I waited for Jonathan to finish getting ready for the day and then we headed out for school, with Jonathan driving again. We headed to class and sat in our seats. I noticed Barb wasn't here today, which is odd because in the years I've known her, she's never skipped a day. I was about to ask Nancy, who sat in front of me. But, she asked me first. I thought she and Barb went to Steve's small party together, she should know where Barb is.

At lunch Jonathan and I were sitting together on the other end where Steve, Nancy, Tommy and Carol were sitting. We were trying to ignore Carol talking about some blister on her foot when she had it on the table. Tommy kept calling me over to look at it, for some reason he thought I'd know what it was. After two minutes of him calling my name I gave in and walked over to only see a bruise. Nancy asked the couple across from her if they saw Barb on their way out of Steve's last night. Unsurprising, Tommy didn't know who she was talking about.

"Come on, don't be an ass man. Did you see her leave last night or not," Steve asked.

"You know, Barb. Nancy and I's best friend," I interjected.

"No, she was gone when we left," Tommy said.

"She probably couldn't stand all that moaning she was hearing 'oh Steve'," said Carol mocking Nancy.

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