36: end of beginnings

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Mollie (pov)

It's been about two weeks since Dustin found out and today is the baby shower and gender reveal. At my last appointment the doctor only told my mom since I wanted to find out along with everyone else. It's all really exciting for me but all I actually care about is that the baby stays healthy. I also know if Eddie were here he'd be secretly hoping for a girl so that he can call her his little princess and me his queen. It's cheesy but it was also so Eddie Munson of him.

Mom had set up everything and handed out the invites through the mail. She labeled the party on the invites as just a summer party but the ones who knew, knew the real reason. Once everyone was over I made my way to the backyard showing off my baby bump. For only being in my first trimester, the bump was quite noticeable and it meant no more tight pants. It was a blessing and a curse, dresses and looser pants were never my go-to but I had to do what I had to do.

Robin and Nancy were the first ones to see me. Both had kept saying how much I've been "glowing" lately. They weren't wrong.

All the people started to arrive one by one. I was so happy to see Wayne when he showed up. And to be honest, I didn't think he would. Being back in Hawkins for him is like putting another knife through his chest, reopening wounds that might never heal. Eddie was like a son to him. He never said it but his body language did.

"Wayne! I'm so happy you could make it! How is everything?"

"It's been okay. My new job has been keeping me pretty busy," he said, looking off towards the crowd of people behind me. "How've you been?" he finally got a good look of me and what he was thinking as written all over his face.

"I've been great. Let's keep this conversation going inside, yeah?"

He nodded and I followed him from the back porch.

He sat down in the nearest chair and took a moment to gather his words. "Is that why we're all here? And Eddie's the father" he said, pointing at my stomach.

"Yeah, he is. And I know that this is a lot for you. It was a process for me to wrap my head around it. But I want you to know that you're always welcome to see the baby when you like. I want you to be a part of their life. You can think of yourself as the fun uncle or grandpa."

He let out a small laugh. It was probably the first one in a long time. Seeing the tears in his eyes had me wishing Eddie was here to celebrate this.

"I'll see you out there," Wayne said as he went back out.

I stayed in the seat for a little while longer. Waiting for the last person to show. Surprisingly enough, Steve was the last to show up. He knocked on the door with extra food still in the grocery bags.

He didn't even look to see who answered so he walked in the house and was rambling on about what kind of food to bring since he had no clue. It clicked in his head that he wasn't talking to my mom when I didn't answer when he said "Miss. Henderson".

"Oh, Molls. How's it been," Steve said.

"Pretty good. What kind of food did you bring? I'm starving," I said, trying to give him an obvious hint. Another surprise; it went right over his head.

"So for drinks, I got lemonade and sodas since I know that's like a summer staple. For food, I just bought a little bit of everything like chips and salsa, store made pasta salad, and all kinds of fruit. I know pineapple is your favorite so I got extra of that. And-"

"Actually I can't have that for another, I don't know, six months?"

He turned around so fast to see if I was okay. I truly am okay, it just sucks I can't have my all time favorite fruit this summer. Steve looked at me like I was a completely different person, like I was an imposter.

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