2: where in the world is will byers

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Mollie (pov)

Dustin got back home on time but when he opened the front door wide open he saw mom and I on the couch. I gave him a subtle look trying to tell him to get the gist of what excuse I made up for him.

"Oh, hey mom. Uh, when did you get home," he asked.

"Thirty minutes ago. Mollie said you went to Mike's house after school. Is that correct?"

"Oh, yeah, I was there. I just forgot to call to say that I was there," he said confidently.

Mom looked a little stunned at me since she thought I was lying. "Oh, honey. I'm sorry. You can have your music back tomorrow but I still want you back home right after school and no funny business."

"Yes ma'am. And thank you, I love you," I said to lighten the mood.

"I love you too, my Mollie-moo," she responded with a smile and left the living room to get ready for bed.

I turned back to Dustin seeing he was wet from the rain and asked how everything went and how they all found some girl with a shaved head instead. Time passed as he and I stayed in the living room talking quietly about everything. I told him that I liked Mike's plan but it has some holes in it, not gonna lie. But I wasn't gonna tell him that because he probably already knew. For being in middle school, he was leaps ahead in the intelligence department.

I tried calling Jonathan to see if he wanted to ride or walk to school but no one was answering the phone so I got everything ready and set off down the road to his house, only to see him standing outside talking to Hopper.

"Let me go," I heard Jonathan say.

"I'm sorry," Hopper asked.

"To Lonnies. You know if Will's there, it means he ran away. And if he sees the cops, he'll think he's in trouble. He'll hide. You know he's good at hiding."

"Yeah? Well, cops are good at finding. Okay? Stay here with your mom. She needs you." said Hopper. He turned around to get back in his car as he saw me. "Hey, kid. Make sure he stays here, yeah?"

"Yes, sir chief," I responded half sarcastically. "Hey, J. you up for a walk to school today?"

"Uhm, yeah. You want some breakfast? I made enough."

"Sure, sounds good to me. Fair warning, I probably won't eat much; I already had something but I could go for more." We both headed back in the house, ate breakfast and I tried to calm down Joyce. She's been a wreck ever since. I don't blame her.

After breakfast Jonathan decided to drive to school instead, to try to get his mind half off the Will stuff and because he needed to get copies of Will's missing posters. Once we got to school some people were staring at him like he was the newest freak show that came to town. I told him to just ignore the stares and focus on his breathing. I know he didn't want to be at school so I encouraged him to stay just for one class. He was putting up a poster when I saw Nancy, Barb, Steve, Carol and Tommy H in a group and gave all of them a smile.

"Oh, god, that's depressing," I heard Steve say from across the hall, my smile faded fast as I turned my back to the group. I listened in on the rude comments Carol and Tommy made and then hearing Steve say that it wasn't funny gave him some points back in my book. Maybe Harrington wasn't the worst person, but his friends are.

"Hey, Jonathan, hey Mollie," Nancy said behind me. I turned back to face her.

"Hey," said Jonathan. And I gave her a smile again.

"I just wanted to say, uhm, I'm sorry about everything." she turned back towards the group and then said on behalf of them; "everyone's thinking about you. It sucks. I'm sure he's fine, he's a smart kid."

"Thanks, Nancy. We appreciate it," I said for the both of us.

The bell rang for first period. Jonathan and I headed for math while Nancy headed for her chemistry exam. Or, at least I thought Jonathan was behind me. He must've gone somewhere. If he went to his dad's place, I'm gonna be upset with him because he promised me he wouldn't, we both knew Will wouldn't go there.

I endured most of the school day as normal except lunch. I sat with Nancy, Barb and Steve's friends. I must've been too in my own head about Jonathan leaving this morning and not knowing where he went because the next thing I remember is Steve waving and snapping his fingers in front of my face, getting my attention back.

"Hello, earth to Henderson. Are you coming to my place for the party or what," he asked.

"But it's a school night. And, uh, I can't. My mom put me on house arrest until tomorrow," I said.

"Oh wow, that's lame. I can't imagine you getting in trouble, a goody-goody like you. What'd you do," Carol asked.

"She just didn't like the way I talked to her. It was originally for the rest of the week but then she reduced it an hour later," I responded.

"So, you can't just sneak out of the house? It'd be fun if you came. You can also get your boyfriend to come along," said Tommy H.

"Nope, sorry. And for the record, Tommy, Jonathan and I are only friends."

I was thanking any higher power that the lunch bell rang at the right moment. I wanted to get out of there before I said anything stupid.

After I finished my chemistry test I walked home early from school. She was shocked to see me home so soon since it was only half past noon.

"Honey, what are you doing home so early," mom asked.

"I wasn't feeling well after the chem test so I decided to come home and sleep it off."

"Oh, okay. I brought your music things back to your room. I'll let you set it back up yourself," she said as I practically ran to my room. I thanked her halfway down the hall, closed my door and set everything back up and turned on Iron Maiden's album Piece of Mind. I was enjoying the time away from everyone and just listening to music until I heard someone knocking on my window. Jonathan was there.

"J, what are you doing outside? And where did you go today," I asked.

"To see if Will was at my dad's. You were right, he's not there. But I just wanted to be sure, okay. But I'm going to look for him around the neighborhood again. Wanna join me?"

"I can't, I'm supposed to stay home, remember. I got in trouble. Be safe and don't do anything stupid."

"Oh right, sorry. Uhm, wish you could come," he said as he went off into the woods behind the house.

I felt bad for not being able to help, but I wanted to keep my word for my mom's sake and staying at home tonight. Since it was finally dark outside now I got ready to take a shower and to go to bed early. 

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