25: never ending story

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Mollie (pov)

We were just fifteen minutes out from the mall, with Steve's driving we were more than halfway to where Cerebro was set up.

"Jesus, how far is this place, man?"

"Relax, we're almost there," Dustin said.

"Suzie must be pretty special, huh? I mean, if you built this thing and lugged it all the way to the middle of nowhere just to talk to her," Robin asked Dustin.

"I mean nobody's scientifically perfect, but Suzie's about as close to being perfect as any human can possibly be," he answered.

"Well, what about me, Dustin? You told me once that I'm the most perfect sister," I teased.

"Okay? Suzie's a different kind of perfect."

"She sounds made up to me. She sound made up to you," Erica said, asking everyone in the car.

Robin and I agreed, thinking she's real. I never doubted that she wasn't since the way he talked about her to me was so genuine.

"Why are you hesitating, Steve," Dustin asked.

"I'm not. I think she sounds real. You know, totally, absolutely real," he answered.

"Left. Turn left."

"There's no road here."

"Turn left now!"

Steve hit the turn so fast and hard, busting through a fence and up the hill. "Dustin, where are we going?!"

"Up the hill!"

Robin was doubting the car wouldn't make it up the hill. She was right, one of the tires got caught in the dirt.

"Guess the 'Toddfather' has its limitations," Robin said.

Since the car is a no go now, we got out and ran up the rest of the way. Once we were up there Dustin went straight into business and got this Murray guy into the right room.

""Bald Eagle, I repeat, this is Scoops Troop, do you copy?"

"Yes, I copy," Murray said over the system.

"Call sign?"

"Bald Eagle."

"Please repeat."

"Bald Eagle. This is Bald Eagle!"

"Copy that. Good to hear your voice Bald Eagle. What's your 20?"

"We reached the vent. I'll contact you when I need you. Until then, silence."

"Roger that, Bald Eagle. This is Scoops Troop going radio silent. 10-10 over."

After being put on radio silent for the time being, all of us made small talk. Then there was an occasional burp from the boys. I stood away from the group for a split second looking over at the town and the bright fluorescent lights.

Dustin was helping Murray out again when Steve tried to say something to me but, I still couldn't look at him and his stupidly beautiful face.

It was then the lights started flickering and a sinking feeling hit the bottom of my stomach.

"Hey guys," Steve called out.

We raced back to Cerebro and called for the group at the mall.

"Griswald Family, this is Scoops Troop! Do you copy? Over," Dustin yelled, repeating it a few times.

Then there was a monstrous growl. Not good.

"Griswald Family, this is Scoops Troop! Please confirm your safety! Are you en route to Bald Eagle's nest?"

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