31: volume control on lovers lake

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Mollie (pov)

Yesterday dragged on way too long for my liking. I love spending time with Eddie but this is my ultimate test. Hiding out with him from the town is another thing. And with no updates from anyone is growing my frustration. I'm sure it was written all over my face.

Eddie ate almost all of the food that Dustin, Steve, Robin and Max brought us, leaving me with not much. How can one skinny boy eat so much with no consequences?

"Molls, if we get out of this, would you ever want to, like... get married and have a family with me," he said.

Where did all of this come from? And why would he ask me now?

"Well, with all that's happening, I think... yeah, I would," I said smiling at him.

It brought that brightest smile to his face that he so desperately needed. "Which part are you saying yes too? Would you like to elaborate?"


"That's my girl." He took the same hand that I wear the ring he got me last summer. I haven't taken it off since and I won't ever take it off now. I'd have to be buried six feet under for it to be taken off.


We didn't have much to do in this boathouse since it was small and relatively clean. I could clean more of it or even organize the place but, I feel like that'd be too much. Despite my better judgment, I started cleaning the place. I know I clean out of nervousness or boredom, this time it's the nervousness.

I took one of the bags and put the trash in there and the broken glass bottle that Eddie had been using as a weapon for self-defense in another one. And when I was about to start organizing the place he tried to get my attention. But I was too much in my own head, wondering how everyone else is doing and being in the dark is eating at me from the inside.

"Molls, talk to me. Is something wrong? You're aggressively cleaning this place," he said.

"Uh, maybe. We've been in here for what? Almost three days? And we haven't gotten any updates from anyone. I'm hungry and you ate most of the food-"

"I'm sorry. Do you wanna try our luck and go up to the main house to find anything? 'Cause not gonna lie, I'm getting kinda hungry myself."

"Yeah, sure why not."

Once we found the perfect opportunity to make it up the hill, we sprinted. It was a short sprint since the house is close. We searched the kitchen for anything to eat. Lucky me, I found some perishable canned food in the pantry. It's not really what I'm craving but it'll do.

He started making the food while I found a walkie in one of the bedrooms.

"Hey, Dustin. Did you forget about us? It's me and Eddie. Over," no response. "Dustin, are you really asleep right now? Come on, bro, answer me."

"Hey, it's Nancy," she said over the walkie.

"Nancy?! Holy shit. Do you know what's been going on lately? I feel so out of the loop that it is close to driving me insane. Should we come to you?"

"No, no, no. don't do that. Stay where you are. We'll catch you up when we see you."

"Cool. thank you."

Eddie kept asking me to ask her if she could do a food delivery or get him a six pack of beers also, I tried to ignore it. He doesn't need that right now. But he took the walkie from me and pleaded with her. She interrupted him saying she had to go. Great, now all we can do is wait in the house for one or all of them to show up.

"Eds, if you needed something to calm you down, I am right here," I said, implying wanting to do something. I know he likes it loud but this could really test him on his volume control.

"What do you mean?"

Did that really just go right over his head? Well, first time for something.

I started laughing from his oblivious question and got closer to him and whispered, "Since we don't know how much time we have. Maybe we could, you know... try out that volume control on you or see how fast we can get that release you and I both know we need."

I didn't have to see his face to know that his cheeks are bright red and he's got the biggest smirk on his face. He was up for the challenge. He dropped the pot of food onto the counter and picked me up by my waist taking both of us to the bedroom.

Needless to say, this time was one for the books.

Afterwards, we went back to the boathouse undetected. He brought the food can with us to have some sort of entertainment other than our bodies. All was quiet until we heard a car pull up, I thought it could've been Dustin and the others to come and bring us more essentials or just to get us out of here.

He looked out of the window closest to the road and saw a car that didn't belong to anyone we knew. When he saw Carver and his friends walk towards the house he was cursing under his breath. I followed him and looked out the other window at the next wall.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," I said.

"What's happening?"

"Fucking Carver and the rest of his buddies just went inside the house. I think they have weapons too."

"Shit. I'm gonna try and get Dustin to answer." he said nervously. He grabbed the walkie and there was no answer.

Why the hell would they just leave a walkie unattended at times like these?"

"Hey, if anyone's there, I really think we might be in some serious trouble here. Okay? Wheeler? Anybody?!" he pleaded.

I took the walkie from him and shouted as loud as I could without anyone of the jocks hearing me, "Guys, I really think you should consider the fact that Eddie and I are still out here. We have a code red! I repeat, a code red."

Still no answer.

The sun had set and they could have an advantage easily with flashlights if they have any.

"Ed's now is the best time to leave on the boat, they're probably busy inside still thinking we're in there."

"I'm gonna try Dustin again. Maybe he'll answer this time." He didn't hear a word I just said. I got into the boat just in case he ever wanted to follow my lead.

"Dustin? Please. Are you there?" He finally registered that the boat was our only way out. "Never mind."

He got in and untied it from the floor. And we made our way out of there as quiet as we could. Carver and another one of his friends had gone in. It's amazing how they didn't see us yet.

We got halfway out into the middle of the lake when they spotted us.

"Hey freaks! Where do you think you're going," Carver yelled.

"You're shitting me. Oh my fucking god. C'mon let's try and get the motor going," I said panicking. The fucking thing wasn't starting.

Eddie tried getting it going and it was no use.

We grabbed our paddles again and booked it this time. I looked back and Carver was already super close to the boat. How he managed to swim that fast was beyond me.

"Hey, stay back man! Stay back," Eddie said, trying to keep Carver away. Like that was gonna help us.

Carver was talking to his friend who was behind. It looked like he was in the same trance that Chrissy was only days before. This wasn't gonna look good. He called out his name, Patrick. I didn't wanna say anything out loud since I could tell where it was going.

The next thing we all saw was Patrick getting thrown under the water then thrown into the air.

Eddie and I fell into the water, back first. When we surfaced, Patrick's limbs were being snapped like Chrissy's did. Why did we have to witness this twice?

"Eddie, we have to go," I whispered.

I grabbed the rope from the boat and swam to the nearest shore line. It wasn't too far. We set up something small at skull rock to stay there for the night. It wasn't ideal but it's the best we got right now.

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