21: operation child endangerment

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Mollie (pov)

I was supposed to work for the rest of the week but considering this plan of finding "evil Russians" here in Hawkins, is gonna be strenuous than I thought. My plan was to make up a believable lie to my manager for me to miss my shifts. The only really good one I could think of was having to go to my physical therapist back in Wisconsin.

Once Dustin and I got to Starcourt he headed towards the roof to get some intel and I headed to my work, hoping that David was there. Thankfully, he was.

"Hey David. Is it at all possible to talk to you right now," I asked.

"Yeah, what's up," he asked.

"Well, you see my shoulder has been hurting so bad recently and it's gotten to the point where my mom suggested that I go back to my physical therapist up in Wisconsin since they're the only one she trusts with it. So I'm not gonna be here for the next few days. Is there anyone who'd be able to work my shifts?"

"Damn, Wisconsin? Yeah, I think I could get my girlfriend to work them. I hope you feel better."

"Thank you so much! Tell your girl that I owe her big time and that I'll bake something for her and you."

"She likes peanut butter brownies, just a heads up."

"Awesome. I'll see you after!"

I couldn't believe it. He actually bought it. I quickly got out of the store and headed to Scoops where everyone else was. When I got there, it sounded like Steve was trying to convince himself and the others that he could fight off a Russian guy.

"Well, please, tell me this, and be honest, have you ever actually won a fight," Dustin said.

"Okay that was one time-" Steve started to make excuses.

"Actually, twice. Don't forget, Jonathan almost beat you to a pulp like a year and a half ago," I said, walking into the room.

"Listen, that doesn't count," Steve said, trying to forget that ever happened.

"Why wouldn't it count? Because your eye looked pretty bad, I remember. I was the one who cleaned it. Then there was Billy back in November-"

"Yeah, I get it now, thanks for trip down memory lane, Molls," Steve said interrupting me.

The next thing we know, Robin is close to sprinting out of the parlor with the tips in her hand.

"Wait, Robin, where are you going," Steve asked,

"I need cash," She said.

"Well, half of that's mine."

"We have to find some way into that room, a safe way. And, in the meantime, sling some ice cream, listen to Mollie, and don't get beat up.i'll be back in a jiff."

"Ha! Looks like I'm in charge, Stevie," I said jokingly.


"Yeah, that's my new nickname for you. What do you not like it?"

"No, it's totally fine. Just caught me off guard."

And with that, we waited for Robin to get back from wherever. During then, I could see Eddie's easily recognizable stature and hair combing through the food court and towards the music store. Probably looking for me. Only five minutes later, he was walking out of there. For my sake, I hope he doesn't have a clue where I'm at, even though I can see him clearly from where I am in the parlor.

And he spotted me. Shit. I could see that beautiful smile across his face showing off the dimple again. Even from far away he can make it feel like we're the only two people in the world. I didn't realize he was right in front of me until Steve nudged me out of my haze.

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