11: more than a friend

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Mollie (pov)

I was woken up from banging on my bedroom door from Dustin. He was getting his things into his backpack hastily and trying to tell me something but I couldn't understand him.

"Dustin, calm down for one minute, jeez."

"I need to go to the library before school and mom's not here. And I'm gonna need your library card," he said once I grabbed his arm, having him stop walking.

"I am not just gonna give you my library card!"

"Please Molls! I need it"

"Not if you tell me why."

"I can't because-"

"Because why? Also what was that weird sound coming from your room last night?"

"That was- that was my stomach, yeah. Ate too much of my candy."

I looked inside his room from my doorway, not a single candy wrapper in sight or from what I could see of his trash can. "Uh-huh, you can only use my library card if I go with you, deal?"

"Deal," he said quickly, walking through the house again getting something to eat now.

I did my best finding suitable clothes for the day hastily and chucked on my trusty converse. We headed for our bikes and stormed off to the city library.

I waited for him from the entrance as he got the books to check out. All five books were about reptiles. I didn't understand why he needed these books but I'm not the one to judge, I already have three books in my room just about astronomy from here I haven't brought back yet, oops.

The librarian at the check out desk looked at him judgingly and said; "Mr. Henderson, you know the rules. Five at a time."

"Yep," he said counting the books on the counter.

"Ten," she said, holding out his recent slip. "You already have five books checked out."

"My mistake. However, I am on a curiosity voyage, and I need my paddles to travel. These books are my paddles."

"Five at a time," she repeated.

"He can use my card. Once he's on his voyage there's no stopping him," I said.

"See, my sister gets it," said Dustin.

"No," she said.

"Are you shitting me," said Dustin.

"Excuse me?"

"What the hell is..." I said pointing behind her, having to look away from us. Dustin grabbed the books and the two of us hightailed out of there.

"Mr. Henderson!"

"He needs his paddles," I said as we were out the door.

Once we were clear of the library we stopped and he stuffed the books into his already full backpack.

I took the biggest one and put it into mine helping him out. "Hey, so are you gonna tell me what you need the books for now," I asked.

"Nope, I don't have all of the info yet."

"Why can't you just tell me?"

"Because I want to figure it out on my own, okay?"

"Okay, that's all you had to say the first time, Dusty. And if you ever need help, I'm here. I'll see you after school today, yeah?"

"Yep. thanks, sis."

I got to school just in time and took my respective seat. Billy wasn't here this morning, great news for me. I don't really want to see him for the rest of my life if I could help it. The day went on as normal as it could get, but lunch was a different story. I didn't see Eddie in the cafeteria again for two days straight. I desperately needed to talk to him, not just for my own sanity but for what could be life changing.

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