32: caught red handed

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Mollie (pov)

We managed to make it through the night with no one spotting us. We're in deep shit I just know it.

Eddie went to the construction sight we heard starting up earlier to find a walkie to take to have some form of communication with the others. Once he was back with me I switched it to the right frequency.

"Dustin? Nancy? Can anyone answer,'" I asked.

"Mollie, holy shit. Are you and Eddie okay," Dustin asked.

"Fucking no, we're far from it."

"Where are you two?"

"Skull Rock. You know where that is, right?"

"Uh, yeah. That's near Cornwallis and-"

He got cut off by Steve. He definitely knows where we are. He's told me all about the times he'd bring a girl out here before dating Nancy.

"Hold tight. We're coming. Stay where you are," Dustin said.

It was so good to hear his voice.

We entertained ourselves in the meantime waiting for everyone to get here. Mostly by playing tic-tac-toe on the ground with sticks, I won most of the games. Eddie took a stroll around the place and I sat with myself until everyone found us again.

"In your face, man. In your stupid, cocky little face," Steve said to Dustin.

"It doesn't make sense," Dustin said.

"Who are you calling cocky, Steve," I said, greeting him.

"Oh my god, Mollie. You're okay, right," Dustin asked me.

"Yeah, I'm good. How's mom?"

"Uh, I'm guessing she's flipping out right about now because of the latest news."

"What do you mean by 'latest news'?"

"Uh, let's get Eddie here so he can be in on this. Where is... where is he?"

And in perfect timing, Eddie jumped off one of the rocks behind us.

"I'm right here, little Henderson," he said.

It was Eddie's turn to get a hug from him. They've grown so close over this past school year. It was close to getting me to cry, the sentiment they have for one another.

"Jesus, we thought the two of you were goners," Dustin said to Eddie.

"Yeah, me too, man. She's been the strong one," Eddie said looking straight at me. In a way it was like he was saying 'I love you' without saying it out loud.

Once everyone was around they brought us up to speed on what's been happening with them. What scared me the most was Max almost dying at the hands of Vecna. This thing has a whole other thing coming if he decides to take Max away from me.

And the fact that both Eddie and I are prime suspects in the death's now. We can't just stay in hiding for the rest of our lives. I want to go to school and I know Eddie wants to see the world by touring with his band one day.

Then Eddie and I retold our side of the story last night. How we witnessed Patrick's death and how everything we had was drenched from us falling in the water.

"So, uh, I just followed Mollie's lead on this. She knows how to handle these sorts of things better than me. And here we are," Eddie finished off the re-telling.

"Do you know what time this was? The attack," Nancy asked.

"Oh, yeah. We know, the walkie wasn't the only thing that got drenched," I said, taking off Eddie's watch for him and tossing it to Nancy.

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