12: i'm sorry mews

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Mollie (pov)

Today was my turn to knock on Dustin's bedroom door to get him to go to school. I wasn't really in a rush but mom wants us to bike there together, just for her own peace of mind.

I could hear him talking but it couldn't be his turtle, it's been going around the house for the past couple days. "Dustin, who are you talking to in there? Yurtile is out roaming the house."

"It's nothing," he shouted through his door.

"Well then, tell 'nothing' we got to go."

We got to school with no problem. Dustin and I had our usual talk about meeting back with each other after school, even though that didn't happen yesterday. I'm sure he was fine, he always is.

Eddie found me at my locker. He greeted me like he usually does; some cheesy comment along with a small peck on my cheek, that part was new. He watched me get out my books all while he had none of his, which is never a surprise. I was gonna tell him my mom's opinion about him but I was cut off by Steve.

"Hey Molls, have you seen Nance by chance," he said.

"No, not yet. Why what's wrong?"

"Well, since the party everythings just been off between us. She hasn't talked to me in depth about it since yesterday, I'm just worried, ya know."

"Yeah, I get it. Uhm-" Eddie gave me a look of surprise. I totally forgot that I haven't told him that Steve and I are friends. "Steve, have you met Eddie?"

"Eddie?" I pointed towards him from across my locker. "Oh, right. Munson, yeah, we have gym together. How do you two know each other?"

"He and I met at lunch on the first day this year and yeah. We've been close since."

"Cool. I guess I'll see you around, yeah?"

"Sure thing Steve," I said as he left.

"Care, to elaborate Molls," Eddie said.

"He and I became friends through Nancy. I promise, there will never be anything between us."

Eddie nodded his head reassuringly as he walked me to homeroom. I haven't yet gotten a chance to move my seat away from Billy yet. Sitting next to him was never fun. Ever since the party he's backed off of me and I thank everything above me. I guess I was a target for his first couple days. I knew all his threats towards Eddie were empty with no weight in them.

The day went on as normal; lunch with Eddie and his crew and classes were normal. What wasn't normal was that I didn't see Jonathan and Nancy in any class. Why were they ditching school and why didn't they include me in their plans again. I'm getting really tired of it.

It was after school and Eddie offered me a ride back home, but I told him it was fine and that I'm babysitting Dustin. As i was walking up the hill with my bike in hand, I could hear Billy talking aggressively towards the small girl in the car. Maybe this could be my opportunity to knock some sense, it's a long shot but I can still try.

"What would I ever do without-" said the girl.

"Hey! This is serious shit, okay," he said, grabbing her wrist and holding it tight. "I'm older than you. And something you learn is that there are a certain type of people in this world you stay away from, and that kid, Max. That kid is one of them."

It was clear who Billy was talking about, I could see Lucas standing there alone, looking at Max and then me. I put my bike down and had enough, no one can talk about one of my kids like that.

I took the cigarette out of Billy's hand and said, "Hey, Hargove. I couldn't help but overhear since you're a loud talker. First off, let her arm go. And second, if I ever hear you talk about one of the kids I look after like that again, your nutsack is going down the fucking toilet. Got it?"

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