4: looking pretty

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Mollie (pov)

I woke up the next morning with a massive headache and Dustin's supercomm radio going off in his room from across the hall. Dustin, being the heavy sleeper he is, I answered it for him. Lucas said something about Will and how he could still be alive, but I wasn't buying it.

"Lucas, slow down. What do you mean 'Will's still alive' why does Dustin need to go over to Mike's? Does any of this have to do with that girl with a shaved head? Over."

"Wait- how do you know everything already? Over."

"Because Dustin knows I can keep a secret. So, this can go one of two ways. One; the two of you are gonna let me in on everything or two; I'm gonna tell everyone's parents about this. Take your pick, Lucas. Over."

It took a couple minutes for Lucas to make his decision. In the end, he let me tag along. When Dustin and I got there Mike was weary of me being a part of all this. I met El, short for Eleven. The boys filled me in on what Dustin hasn't told me yet, like her having super powers. I thought it was cool, she was like a real life Jean Grey but without the Phoenix Force.

"So, she's sort of like Jean Grey? That's honestly amazing," I said.

"Uhm, yeah. Sure, I guess. Anyway the point is that she somehow tapped into wherever Will is and I heard him singing that weird song he likes," Mike said.

"Are you sure that's what you heard, Mike? What if she just tapped into a baby monitor" Lucas asked.

"I will not tolerate any slander of that song, it's one of my favorite songs too," I said jokingly.

"Sorry, but I swear we heard him. It sounded just like him," said Mike.

"Are you sure you were on the right channel," Dustin asked.

"I don't think it's about that. I think somehow, she was channeling him," Mike explained.

"Like, Professor X," Dustin added on.

Mike and I nodded our heads in agreement, but Lucas wasn't believing it. I understand he's trying to stay realistic to the situation. But the girl sitting in front of us has superpowers, how could he not have an open mind to all of it?

"Well, maybe it's his ghost haunting us," said Dustin.

"It's not his ghost," Lucas having a counter argument.

"Then how do you know that," said Mike.

All the boys started arguing close to having a yelling match with one another about whether or not Will is actually alive.

"Okay guys. Let's all just have an open mind about this and think that he's still with us. So, if he's actually out there somewhere, all we have to do is find him," I said, stopping them from yelling.

El was trying to connect with the radio to find Will again. Mike took the radio and suggested that she needed a stronger radio. Dustin said that the radio Mr. Clarke got a Heathkit ham shack, which would help. Lucas noted that it's at school and didn't know how to get El there without anyone noticing.

I suggested a small makeover and everyone agreed. We all went back to Dustin and I's place since I don't think Nancy would want us to use her clothes. I let Eleven go through my closet and she found an old dress I don't wear anymore and Dustin found a wig in mom's closet. We all let her get dressed in my room with the rest of us waiting in the hallway. When she walked out all of us gave her a compliment saying she looked very nice and cute. She walked back into my room, looked at herself in the mirror and whispered the word "pretty".

With my old pink dress and mom's old blonde wig on her, she looked like she was her happiest. The smile on her face was indication enough for me that she was gaining confidence and trust in me slowly but surely.

All of us grabbed our bikes and headed off to the middle school where the radio was. Once we got there, the principal announced there was gonna be an assembly in Will's memory. The door to where the radio was locked, Mike asked me if I could try and pick the lock and just when i was starting Mr. Clarke came around the corner. Telling the kids to get to the gym.

As for me, he said the officers Callahan and Powell were in the front office looking for me. I didn't know why, unless skipping school was considered a crime now. After the boys convinced their teacher that they just wanted alone time to grieve. He gave Lucas the keys to the door and then all of us headed to the gym. Mr. Clarke escorted me to the office after.

The officers told me they talked to Nancy about Barb and she mentioned me. I didn't have much to say since I wasn't at the party even though I went back to Steve's house with her yesterday. They informed me that Barb's car was gone and asked me if she ever told me about having thoughts on running away. She would never want to leave this town unless it was for college. They let me go to the doors of the gym so I could wait for the kids .

I heard the bell ring and the students starting to leave the gym. I could tell something was up because I only saw a couple of kids actually leave, so I walked in when I heard a kid say, "Besides, what's there to be sad about anyway? Will's in fairyland now, right? Flying around with all the little fairies. All happy and gay."

I was seeing red and apparently so was Mike. He pushed the kid down onto the floor before I could. I stopped myself when the kid then got up and almost got into a fist fight with Mike but he stopped halfway like something was preventing it from happening. I couldn't tell what but the next thing that happened was the kid peeing himself. The middle school principal noticed something, so I grabbed the kids to urge them to leave and go back to the AV club room.

Once all of us were in the room I turned on the lights and watched the kids get the radio set up. I asked Mike how all of it was going to work and he explained it the best he could. I still didn't really understand how El was gonna find Will but I'm just going with the flow. He changed the radio frequencies to static. She closed her eyes to concentrate, the room was quiet.

"She's doing it, she's finding him," Mike said.

"Calm down. She just closed her eyes," Lucas said, slightly annoyed.

"Guys, shut up. Let her concentrate," I said. The light above us then broke and the bulb exploded.

There was banging coming from the radio and none of us could tell where it was coming from or what it was banging on. Then it was Will's voice coming through, holy shit. The boys called out for him but he probably couldn't hear us and was calling out for his mom.

"It's like home, but it's so dark. It's so dark and empty. And it's cold!"

After that everything went dark and a fuse from the radio busted and caught fire, Dustin put out the fire. I saw that El was about to pass out so I lifted her and had Mike and Lucas help me keep her steady on my back as we basically ran out of the room.

I can't believe I heard Will's voice. He's alive. Jonathan will be so happy to hear the news. Would he believe me? Probably not, I don't know actually.

I still had Eleven on my back while we rode our bikes back to the Wheelers. She seemed to be fine, just very tired. We agreed to let her sleep this off and figure out something tomorrow after the "funeral". So Dustin and I went back to our place and Lucas to his own. It was a long day but very productive.

I just hope when we get Will back and safe, everything can go back to the way it was.

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