10: halloween confessions

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Tw: mentions of alcohol, drowning and death

Mollie (pov)

"Dustin! Let's go, we're running a little behind," I said from the kitchen making something for myself really quick.

"I'm coming," he said.

"Dusty! I want to get pictures before you leave," said mom, getting her camera out. She is so excited about his Ghostbusters costume for this year. "Mollie, where's your costume," she asked me.

"Mom, don't you think it'd be a little embarrassing for me. Plus, I don't really have one anyway," I said.

"Nonsense. But, yes, I get your point," she said, agreeing with me.

Dustin came out into the living room showing off his costume that he's so proud of. Mom got so many pictures.

"Oh, honey you look so handsome! Right, Mollie," mom said.

"Yeah, fricking adorable. Alright, let's go Dustin," I said while walking out the door. Jonathan was waiting for me, Dustin said he was gonna take his bike to school today.

All Jonathan talked about on the way to school was Tina's party and how much he didn't want to go. I told him that I'm going, he turned his head so fast like he heard world war three was happening.

"Really? Since when did you go to parties" he asked.

"Since the new guy, Billy, kinda forced me to be his date to it," I said.

"That's not cool. Have you told him you don't like parties?"

"I tried but he would cut me off mid sentence every time."

"Molls, you just need to stand up for yourself more," he said with instant regret when he realized what had said to me. "I didn't mean it like that; I-"

"Seriously Jonathan? You know damn well what happened last time I did that! It landed me in the fucking hospital close to knocking on deaths door! I can't fucking believe you right now."

He was so lucky we got to school at that moment. I would've let my anger get the best of me and to just yell at him. I grabbed my backpack and did a b-line to the nearest restroom ruining my makeup in the nearest stall available. I hated today already, tonight is gonna suck even worse.

I wanted to skip the whole school day now and just go home, but I knew I couldn't. I needed to talk to Eddie about a lot of things. I thought about skipping just the class with Jonathan, it was good enough for me. I spent that time in the library just doing the homework I meant to do last night.

I sat with Eddie's friends without him again. I could've just sat by myself at this point it was too late; I was settled in my usual seat and I saw Eddie walk into the cafeteria. He took one sad look at me and turned the other way.

"I take it you two haven't talked," said Gareth.

"Yeah. And it's killing me. I just don't know what to do," I said.

"Well, I know he goes to the picnic table out in the woods behind the school when he wants to be completely alone. If he were to not be here tomorrow, there's a high chance he's there. And just say what's on your mind; it'll be more authentic. "

"Thanks, Gareth. That actually helps me a lot."

He gave me a heartwarming smile. Then the bell rang, I decided to skip the rest of the day since I only had three classes left. It's not like I'm gonna miss anything important.

When Dustin got home he barged into my room saying he had something super important to ask, he's lucky I wasn't in the middle of doing something that requires too much of my focus.

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