13: the harrington way

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Mollie (pov)

Steve drove us back to our house and Dustin retold Darts' story. He only half believed him. Then Dustin told him that Darts face opened up and ate the cat, safe to say he believes it now.

Steve got out the hammer from the back of the car and gave me the keys for safe keeping. We made our way to the now locked cellar and heard no noise coming from it. Dart couldn't have escaped, there's no way. Steve banged the bat onto the handles, still no noise. He banged harder and still nothing.

"Alright, listen. If this is some sort of Halloween prank, I'm leaving," Steve said.

"You really think we'd lie, Steve. It's not a prank, I swear. Now get the damn flashlight out of our faces," I said.

"Fine, is there a key for this thing?"

"Yeah, let me go get it." I went and got the key from my room.

Steve opened the cellar doors to see nothing there. Dart had to be further inside there, the place is huge. I went down with no hesitation. Both boys looked at me like I was crazy.

"Well, we aren't gonna find him if we just stand there, right," I said.

"Right, I'll be right behind you," said Steve.

He followed me as I turned on the light, nothing different in here that I could see. Until I looked down at my feet seeing I was stepping in something slimy. I moved to the side and Steve picked it up with one of the nails from the bat. The thing was disgusting.

I took the flashlight from Steve and pointed it at the hole in the corner, that was a bad sign. "Hey, Dustin. Get down here," I shouted.

Steve showed him the skin-like thing that was hanging from the bat. Dustin knew it was a bad sign. Then we showed him the hole that Dart must have escaped from. It seemed to be some sort of tunnel system from what we could see.

I offered Steve to stay the night and to sleep on the couch so we could do everything tomorrow, he accepted. In the morning we went to the store and got buckets full of meat to lure Dart back safely. The three of us were just about to head into the woods and follow the train tracks towards the old junk yard. Lucas finally answered Dustin's code red from yesterday.

"This is Lucas. Do you copy? Dustin," Lucas said over the walkie.

"Well, well, well, look who it is," said Dustin.

"Sorry, man. My stupid sister turned it off."

"Well, when you were having sister problems, Dart grew again. He escaped, and I'm sure he's a baby Demogorgon."

"Wait, what?"

"I'll explain later. Just meet me, Mollie and Steve at the old junk yard."


"And bring your binoculars and wrist rocket."

"Steve Harrington?"

"Yes, Lucas. Steve Harrington," I chimed in.

"Just be there, stat. Over and out.

Steve, Dustin and I went along the tracks dropping chunks of meat every so often. I was ahead of them. Steve asked Dustin if what he did was to impress a girl, I'm guessing the girl is Max. Dustin defended himself saying that was grossly oversimplifying things and that Max isn't like the other girls.

"Well even if she thought it was cool, which she didn't, I just- I just think you're trying way too hard," said Steve.

"Well, you don't know that, Steve. I mean if someone brought me an interdimensional slug, I'd think it's pretty cool. Gross, but cool," I said, trying to lift up Dustin's spirits.

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