7: welcome back byers

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Mollie (pov)

Today felt like it was the longest day of the year. After everything that has happened, I just wanted to go to bed and hope that tomorrow is better. Steve and I got to talking about how he should apologize to Nancy and Jonathan. I thought it'd be best if he did it by himself but he insisted that I come along for 'moral support'. We may be the same age but damn, I shouldn't have to hold his hand.

It was dark outside now and I could see the constellations I could name in the sky and the moon shining ever so. It's what I loved most about Hawkins since we moved here; the clear night skies and being able to clearly see the magnificence of space.

The two of us didn't know where to find Nancy and Jonathan. We first tried the Wheelers but we didn't get too close since we saw a huge group of mysterious cars and guessed it was the police. The next best place I could think of was Jonathan's place, so we headed there.

His car was at home, that's a good sign. From the outside I could see the faint glow of all the Christmas lights Joyce put up earlier in the week. Steve knocked on the door, banged on it more so, and Nancy answered.

"Jonathan? Are you there? Look, Steve and I just want to talk about everything. Is Nancy here too," I said.

"Mollie? Steve? You can't be here, I need you two to leave," Nancy said.

"I'm not trying to start anything, okay," Steve said standing behind me.

"Wait, why? What happened to your hand," I asked.

"You need to leave, Steve. Molls, go to the middle school and find Dustin, he'll explain there."

"Is Dustin okay? And why is he at the school?," I said, making my way into the home. With Steve right behind saying to Nancy how he messed up and trying his hardest to plead his case.

I was stunned with all the weapons in the house. "What the fuck is happening in here? Looks like Micheal Myers' lair in here."

"Molls, now's not the time! Go to Dustin, for god's sake, leave the house, please. Get out of here, both of you," said Jonathan.

"No! Tell me what's going on!" I said.

"Why do I smell gasoline? Are you gonna light the house on fire?!" said Steve. All of us were bickering and never noticed Nancy pulling a gun out.

"Steve, get out," said Nancy, gun in hand, pointed at Steve.

"Wait. What! what's going on!"

"The two of you have five seconds to leave," she said with the gun pointing at both of us now.

"Nancy, are you fucking serious? Put the gun down, please. This isn't a joke." I said.

"I'm doing this for your guys' safety," she said.

I saw the lights starting to flicker and looked at Jonathan for some kind of explanation while Nancy was counting down to have us leave. Jonathan and I got her attention when the lights were flickering faster.

"It's here," Jonathan said.

"Wait, what's here," I asked.

Jonathan grabbed the bat with nails poking out every which way off the coffee table and we all started yelling asking for an explanation.

The ceiling started cracking and coming down with some sort of creature trying to break free. As the creature got to the floor all four of us booked it into Will's room over a series of traps in the hallway.

"Jesus! What the hell is that," Steve yelled. All of us told him to shut up at the same time. That creature must have been what El was talking about a couple days ago that Will was running from in the Upside Down.

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