Chapter 2

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*Jordyn pov*

"That was... Interesting." I said standing up from my chair.

"Interesting!? More like amazing! Did you see the way he looked at you!?" Alex said a bit too loud.

"Relax!" I held her shoulder and shook her. "Wanna meet them?" I grabbed her wrist and started dragged her to stage.

"Wait! No, no, no!" She tried to unclench my fingers. "I'm not prepared!"

"Not prepared my ass." I smirked.

"Hey, we wanna see Marianas Trench." I told a big buff guy standing in front of the walkway.

"Sorry, no fans. The guys aren't doing a meet and great." He said sternly.

"Please? It's just two of us." Alex pleaded.

"Girls." He said a bit louder. "You can't g-"

"What's going on?" Matt interrupted coming down the two steps of the stage and standing beside the security guard. At the corner of my eye I could see Alexs' eyes widen. I laughed under my breath.

"These to young girl wanted to see you guys. Obviously I told them no." The guy looked at me.

"These two young girls have a name. I'm Jordyn." I told Matt. "This is Alex."

"Hey." She said shyly.

"Shouldn't you guys get to class?" The security guard told us.

"We both have a free." I looked at Matt again. "Can we at least get a picture?" I pleaded. He laughed.

"Sure. C'mon." The security guard moved out of the way and Alex let out a small squeal of excitement. Me and Matt both laughed under our breaths. His smile is really cute.

We walked up the two steps behind the front of the stage. I saw Ian and Mike finishing packing the guitars and Josh playing with his phone on a fold up chair. Mike turned around.

"Hey who's this?" He asked with a smile.

"This is Jordyn and Alex." Matt said pointing to each of us. Alex squealed again and I laughed.

"Sorry, she's a huge fan." I told them. Mike laughed.

"Nice to meet you guys." He hugged me and then Alex.

'Your welcome.' I mouthed to her. She smiled.

"Hey." Ian came over.

"Hey I'm Jordyn." He gave me a hug.

"I'm Alex." I could tell she is controlling her excitement. Well at least on the outside. I saw Josh put down his phone.

*Josh pov*

Isn't that her? I put my phone down and walked over. Just treat her like I treat all my fans.

"Hey guys." I said casually. She smiled at me.

"Hey I'm Jordyn." I went in for a hug, like I do to all my fans.

"I'm Alex." I hugged her too.

"Nice meeting you. You guys big fans?" I asked.

"Well I am, big time, I don't know about her though." Alex told me.

"Oh yea?"

"Yea. I don't really listen to you guys. Not that you guys are bad but Just never got your music. I know everything about you guys though because of this chick." Jordyn lightly pushed Alex. I laughed.

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