Chapter 19

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*Josh pov*

I woke up feeling something move in my hand.

"Jordyn?" I saw her eyes flicker open.

"Hi." She said quietly with a smile. I smiled too, happy she's awake. She laughed quietly. "You have blanket lines on your face." I chuckled.

"I'm glad your awake. Let me get a nurse." She let go of my hand and I walked to the nurses desk. "Jordyn Prescott woke up, don't know if you want to check up on her..."

"Oh, yea." The nurse followed me back to Jordyns room. She gave me a small smile as I leaned on the wall to let the nurse check on her.

"How are you feeling?" The nurse asked.

"Fine, I guess. Run down."

"Your body has been rejecting food so you have to eat yogurt, apple sauce... Things like that..."

"When can I go home?" Jordyn asked.

"You need to stay here one more night then you can go home first thing in the morning if everything looks fine."


"And we are going to give you these pills and you have to take them twice a day with at least a bit of food."

"Okay." The nurse nodded and walked out the room. I sat beside Jordyn again on the chair.

"At least you get home before your birthday." She smiled.

"Great birthday present." She paused. "What happened anyways?"

"You fainted from having no food." She nodded. "I was worried about you."

"I'll be fine." I smiled and kissed her forehead. "How's my mom?"

"I went over to your house and talked to her, she looked concerned... But disappointed that you would do that."

"I can understand that. Can you get my phone and tell her I'm ok?"

"Of course." I grabbed her phone and turned it on. I tried unlocking it but there's a password. "What's your password?" I asked.

"Perfect disaster." She almost looked embarrassed to say and I smirked. I unlocked her phone and searched through her contacts until I found her mom.

'Hey, this is Josh and Jordyn wants me to tell you that she's awake and okay.'

I put Jordyns phone back down.

"You need to promise me you will never do anything like that again, no matter what." I said and grabbed her hand with both of mine.

"Josh, I promise." One of the nurses came in with a small tray.

"Here hun, try to eat something." She placed the tray on Jordyns lap.

"Okay, thanks." She walked out.

"That look like really yummy... Yogurt." She laughed.

"I know right. This is what I'm going to be eating for the next week." I laugh and saw Jordyns phone flash red. I grabbed it and read it.

'Thanks Josh, I'll be there in a minute.'

"Your mom said she will be here in a minute." I told her.

"Ok." Jordyn said and she took a spoon full of the yogurt. "Ugh, this hospital yogurt tastes like shit." She made a funny sour face and I laughed. She ate some more. After finishing the small bowl of yogurt I put the tray on the table and her mom walked in.

Perfect Disaster (Marianas Trench fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now