Chapter 3

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*Jordyn pov*

"Um, I think the guys had too much to drink." I told Josh and laughed.

"Why's that?" He asked as Alex came over.

"Well, I don't know if this is normal but Mike and Matt are slow dancing together and Ian is dancing with Bennie." I made a concerned look in their direction. Josh turned around.

"Oh! Well that's weird." He said. Alex looked.

"Oh my god." She laughed.

"Do you guys wanna see the backyard?" Josh asked us. I shrugged.

"Sure. You coming Alex?" I asked.

"No, you guys can go. I'll stay here and make sure Ian and Bennie don't go to first base." We laughed. My eyes widened and I gave her a look saying 'please come!' She smiled.

We walked to his backyard. It had a huge pool, a hot tub, barbecue and patio chairs with a table.


"Yea, sometime when I can't sleep I just come out here and look at the stars." There was a pause.

"Wow, that's deep Ramsay." He laughed.

"Give me your phone." Josh put out his hand. I looked at him funny.

"Why?" I asked him passing him my phone from my back pocket.

"Because." After a minute he handed it back to me and I looked at the screen. It was his number. I smiled. I took his phone out of his front pocket and put my number in but my name as 'Perfect Disaster'. I gave it back and he looked at it.

"Perfect Disaster, eh?" I smiled. "Now I have to change my name." He took my phone from my hand and gave it back after a moment.

"Riverdance?" I laughed. "Nice."

"You can come over any time you want, you know. Didn't you say you live just up the street?" He asked sitting down on one of the chairs. I sat down on the other.

"Yea, probably a two minute walk from here." We heard the door to the backyard open.

"Hey guys," Matt said drunkly. "Did you guys make-out yet?" He asked. I could tell I'm blushing. Josh laughed.

"No, what about you and Mike?" Josh asked.

"Hey, that was a one time thing!" He pointed at Josh with his beer bottle in hand. We laughed.

"You staying the night, dude?" Josh asked him.

"Yea, probably." Me and Josh stood up and walked back inside the house.

"Hey, Jordyn, when should we leave?" Alex asked. I looked at my phone to check the time. 6:17pm.

"Oh crap. Uhm, we should get going. Well, I should get going, anyways."

"Yea, I should go too."

"I can walk you guys to the door." Josh smiled.

"Bye guys!" I yelled back.

"By-y-ye." Mike, Matt and Ian yelled from the living room. I laughed.

"Thanks for having us, by the way." I said slipping on my boots.

"I had lots of fun." Alex added.

"Yea, you guys can come over anytime." He smiled.

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