Chapter 33

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*Jordyn pov*

"Jordyn?" I heard Josh say softly but tiredly. "We need to get up."

"Why?" I asked with my eyes closet.

"Because we have a music video to get to." I felt the dip in the bed leave me, meaning Josh got up.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Five fifteen." I groaned loudly and rolled over to my face. I finally sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Why do music videos always have to happen at, like, six?" I asked.

"Don't know." Josh chuckled. I hopped off of bed and grabbed a pair of pants I found on the ground and slipped them on. I threw my hair up in a messy bun on the top of my head, knowing I don't need to get all dolled up. I moaned and fell back on the bed.

"There. I'm ready." I mumbled and Josh snickered as I closed my eyes.

"Jordyn." I sat up quickly, noticed I fell asleep.

"Yea?" I rubbed my eyes.

"Ready?" Josh asked, standing in front of me. I nodded and he kissed my forehead. "Don't worry, I'm fucking tired too." I could tell, he has small bags under his eyes. "Well, everyone's waiting for us in the car." He took my hand and brought me downstairs.


"Yea, a producer and some other guys that are taking us."

"Oh, ok." I said. Before we left, Josh gave me a hug.

"You know cameras are gonna be on you all day, right?" He asked.

"Yea, I know. Obviously, its a music video. Why?" He chuckled.

"Just making sure you know." I chuckled and he kissed my head. "Lez-go." We went out the door where a black mini van was waiting in the parking lot. Josh rolled the door open for me and I hopped in, heading to the very back. I didn't know anyone in the car besides Josh who came in the back with me. "This is Jordyn by the way." He said. "Jordyn, this is Leslee, one of the producers. Max, one of the camera guys. Courtney, one the make-up artist and MJ, the sound guy." I smiled.

"Hey." I waved to everyone and they said their heys and gave their smiles. We backed out of the drive way and headed to where ever we were going. "So, where is it?" I asked Josh.

"Uh, I think they said we were doing it at a house." I nodded and put my head on his shoulder.

"I'm so fucking tired." I mumbled, trying to keep my eyes opened. Josh lightly smacked my cheek and I sat up. "What the hell was that?" I asked and laughed.

"I'm trying to wake you up." He laughed and I smacked his shoulder. Josh stuck his tongue out. "Hey, do you think we can stop at a Tim Hortons?" Josh asked Leslee who was driving.

"Yea, sure. I could go for a coffee." Leslee said. "Do you think the guys would want anything?" She asked, talking about Matt, Ian and Mike.

"Probably." Josh answered. We made it to a Tims and Josh gave Leslee our orders. "What would you like, Love?" Josh asked me.

"Uhh, a medium french vanilla please." Leslee told them their order and we drove up. She paid and gave us our coffee. "Thanks." I said and took a sip. French vanilla is my favourite.

We parked in front of a beautiful big house and I looked out the window. It was amazing. I saw Max get out of the car and take out his camera. I'm guessing it was for behind the scenes.

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