Chapter 11

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*Jordyn pov*

"What do you think of Josh?" I asked mom and sat on her bed.

"He seems really nice and a gentleman. Why?" Mom asked.

"I wanna make sure you at least like him." There was a pause and mom gave me a 'you like him' look. "Mom, I know what you're thinking." I stood up and headed for my room.

"He is cute." She said as I left her room. I changed into my comfy clothes when I shut the door to my room. I laid down on my bed with head phones in my ears listening to Joshs voice in Beside You, drifting me off to sleep.

My eyes opened when I heard a thump of my iPod hitting the floor. I picked it up and put it on my side table. I looked at my alarm clock and it only said 9:13. I opened my phone and I have a text from my mom.

'Work called me in early love you - Mom' Of course work called you on early. I rolled out of bed and went downstairs. I made myself a bowl of cereal and ate it on the couch while watching the top 20 on Much. I threw my dirty dishes in the sink and went upstairs and got on a pair of jeans and a shirt. I plugged my iPod into my stereo and turned it up. I sang along to Desperate Measures.

"For a first effort this Feels kinda last ditch I guess this just Got kinda drastic Trust us you just fell off the bus, baby I can't let this, I can't let this, I can't let this go-o-o-o-o..."

*Josh pov*

'Hey Disaster - Riverdance' I texted Jordyn because I can't stop thinking about her. I don't know if that's bad or not. I didn't get a reply back. I heard my front door open.

"Matt?" I asked from the couch.

"How'd you know?" He asked walking in.

"You come here a lot." I told him laughing under breath.

"Oh, true." He sat on the love seat across from me. "Where's Jordyn?" He asked.

"Don't know, probably home." I put my fingers through my hair. "Dude, I have her in my head twenty four seven." I admitted. He gave a little laugh.

"I can tell."

"Is it that noticeable?" I asked.

"No, I just have known you for way too long." I smirked. "Don't get friend zoned." I moaned.

"I know, I don't know what to do."

"Ask her out." Matt said.

"It's not that easy. What if she says no? Our friendship would be over. Do I friggin sound like a pedo?" He laughed.

"You don't know until you try." I moaned again and stood up.

"I'll go see what she's up to." I put on my shoes.

"Good luck."

"I didn't say I was asking her out." I yelled back and shut the door behind me.

I made it to Jordyns house and opened the door slowly. I heard Stutter playing upstairs. I smiled and laughed.

"Jordyn?" I said. I took off my shoes and shut the door. "Jordy-y-y-y-yn!?" I walked up the stairs and leaned in her doorway.

"Di-di-di-di-di-did I Stutter Stutter Stutter..." She sang alone and kinda danced around your room. The song ended.

"You're a really good singer." She jump and turned to me. "Not a fan of the dance moves though."

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