Chapter 5

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*Jordyn pov*

I sat on Josh's couch and he slid the DVD into his TV. He pressed play and shut off the lights.

"Want some popcorn?" He asked.

"Sure. And a coke zero please?" I smiled. He laughed.

"Sure." He walked off to the kitchen. The movie started playing and I heard popcorn popping.

"Where's Matt?" I asked him.

"Oh he left, he has a date with his girlfriend." He said. Josh came back with a bowl of popcorn in one hand and balancing two coke zeros in the other. I giggled.

"You need help?"

"No, I got this." And of course one of them dropped. He put the popcorn on the coffee table and picked up the coke that dropped.

"Here, you can have this one." He gave me the dented one and sat down beside me.

"Now I have to wait to drink it!" I complained. He laughed.

"Crap, forgot my phone. Be right back." He put his coke on the table and walked back to the kitchen. I grabbed his coke and switched it with mine. He walked back and plunked himself on the couch beside me with the popcorn bowl and coke in hand. C'mon, open it!

"Pass the popcorn, pl-e-e-ese." I asked. He passed the bowl. I saw him open the coke. It started fizzing and over flowing all over his shirt and pants. I stood up started laughing.

"Aww, you got a bit on my pants." I complained rubbing my leg.

"You got it all over my body!" He laughed. I laughed.

"Sorry." I tried to act serious. He stood up.

"It's ok." He put out his arms, welcoming me for a hug. "I forgive you."

"Pfft, Hell no riverdance." I put my hands up and backed away.

"Aww why? We're friends right?" He smirked and walked slowly towards me.

"Yea..." I started running and I heard him follow behind me. I ran in the kitchen and stopped on the opposite side of the island. He did the same.

"C'mon, I just want a hug." He wined. I giggled.

"Like I said, hell no." He ran to the other side of the island where I was at and I ran to the backyard. I'm totally gonna die. I laughed and ran to the other side of the pool. He cornered me.

"You're trapped."

"Fine, you want a hug?" I went over to him and gave him a hug. "Now I smell like coke zero." He laughed. We released our hug. I smelt like coke and my shirt's cold. Josh backed up from the hug and didn't realize his pool was right behind him.

"Whoa!" He screamed. He fell in and I couldn't stop laughing, I swear I think I'm gonna piss myself! He came up to the surface and shook his head making his hair get out of is eyes.

"Well, that's just great." He said. I was still laughing so hard. He chuckled. "It's fuckin' freezing!"

"So? It's still funny." I said getting ahold of myself.

"Actually, this os kinda nice." He started floating on his back with his eyes closed. Why not go in with him? I took of my pants and jumped in with a big splash. I came to the surface.

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