Chapter 15

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*Jordyn pov*

I woke up swarmed with Kleenexes. I stayed in bed thinking about Josh and what we could be doing right now. I heard a small knock on my door.

"You ok?" A small voice said.

"No." I answered. Mom came over and sat beside me on my bed.

"I have to go to work now. Be good." She kissed my forehead.

"Love you." I mumbled into my blankets.

"Love you hun." She shut my door on her way out and I think I drifted off.

I woke up with tears down my cheek. I sighed and stayed in bed for another half an hour to see of I could sleep again. I couldn't. I stood up and walked downstairs to get at least something to eat. I grabbed a banana, threw the peel away and walked back upstairs. I sat in the quiet on my bed. I don't know what I feel. I feel so alone, worthless... I walked to my bathroom and locked the door behind me. I looked in the mirror. My face was pink and puffy and my eyes were red. Did he cheat on me? That's all I want to know. Does he care? He'll probably let this go and move on. It's not that easy for girls.

I found a razor and put it on the counter in front of me. I just starred at hit. I grabbed it and sat in the corner of the bathroom. I held it in my hands not knowing what to do. It dug into my skin and I watched the blood drip down my arm. I started crying again, thinking how my life was actually getting perfect. I dropped the razor beside me and sat there with my knees pulled into my chest. I cleaned up the blood so there was no signs anywhere. I wiped my tears and walked out. I curled into bed with the silence.

*Matt pov*

I knocked on Joshs door with Ian and Mike.

"Go away." We heard quietly. We opened the door and walked in.

"Well good morning to you too." Ian said and pulled the covers off of Josh.

"Hey." He said and sat up.

"Dude, you gotta get out and do something. Or at least get out of bed." Mike told him.


"Because you smell." I told him. "At least take a shower." He groaned and I punched his arm. "Take a shower." I told him again.

"Ugh, fine." He got up and went to his bathroom. He closed the door behind him and we heard water running.

"He's a mess." Mike said.

"I know." Ian agreed.

"If we don't do anything, he's gonna be like this for ever." I said to the guys. "Do you wanna talk to Jordyn?" I asked. They both nodded.

"In a couple of days, I have a feeling she wants to be alone." Mike was right.

"Don't tell Josh, if we do he won't let us." Ian said and we heard the water stop. Josh walked out with a towel wrapped around his lower body.

"Happy?" He asked us with no expression. He walked in his closet to get dressed. He came back, clothed, and sat on his bed again.

"What are you doing today?" I asked.

"Lay here. Try to be happy. Try to not be scrambled with my thoughts." He mumbled into his pillow.

"Oh ok." Ian said.

"Sounds like fun." I said. "I'm gonna go see Nicole. Bye Guys."

*One Week Later*

For the past week Josh has been laying in his bed everyday. I always make him eat and take a shower. Ian, Mike and me are on our way to talk to Jordyn or see if she will actually talk face to face with Josh. We walked up the steps to her place and I knocked on the door. It opened and I saw her mom.

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