Chapter 14

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*Jordyn pov*

Me and Josh stayed up until two o'clock on his couch with the TV on just talking and laughing about random stuff. His hand ran down my leg that was across his lap and touched the bottom of my foot. I flinched and he chuckled. His fingers ran up my foot and I flinched again and giggled.

"Oh god no." I said wide eyed.

"What?" He said in a cute, innocent voice and he crawled closer to me.

"No, no, no..." I said and already started to giggled.

"No what?" He pined me down and started tickling my hips.

"N-no!" I screamed and started laughing. He kissed my neck and he knew that always tickled me. He continued to tickle my hips. "S-stop!" I squirmed and tried to push him off or do something. He stood up quickly and scooped me up. "My hips are throbbing." I told him. He chuckled and started walking up the stairs with me in his arms. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Oh nothing." We made it to his room and he threw me on to his bed. I giggled and he laid down beside me. We faced each other and our heads weren't far away. I smiled at him and yawned.

"I'm gonna steal a shirt." I whispered and hopped off the bed. I walked in his closet and looked for a shirt I could barrow. I grabbed one and walked out of the closet. Josh was sitting on his bed with no shirt on, half covered by the blankets playing on his phone. I took off my shirt, not caring if Josh sees anything, and put on his. I looked up to see Joshs lips curled in. I made a small laugh under my breath and looked down at myself. The shirt goes just above my knees.

"Holy shit, this is like a fucking dress." He laughed.

"Pretty sexy dress." I giggled and slipped off the sweatpants. Josh curled his lips again and looked back at his phone. I smiled and he looked at me. "What?" He asked with a confused smile.

"Do you always do that?" I paused. "Curl your lips in." I asked and sat beside him on the bed.

"I guess. I never realized." I smiled. "I guess I always do it when-" He stopped himself and shook his head slightly. I giggled.

"When what?"

"Never mind."

"Fine, be that way." I said and shot him a look.

"Turn that frown upside down." Josh said and put his fingers on the corner of my mouth and made me smile. I laughed and actually smiled. He kissed the tip of my nose. "There's my perfect disaster." I smiled and I could tell my face went light pink. He laughed under his breath. He moved closer to me and I put my bare legs across of his. We just smiled at each other. "So, now that you're my girlfriend..." I smiled at the word. Girlfriend. He chuckled. "What?" He asked.

"I'm your girlfriend." I almost said it as a question. He smiled.

"Of course. Isn't that what dating, going out... Caring is?" He asked and put his hand on my leg.

"Well, yea. Just never going to get used to it."

"You're gonna have too."

"Guess so." I smiled at him and he put me on his lap. He curled his lips again and smiled. "You're doing it again." I told him and giggled.

"Shit." He made his lips look like duck lips so they didn't curl. "How's that?" He asked weirdly with his lips still puckered. I kissed them and I felt them go back to normal. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put one arm around my waist and the other hand slid up to my thigh. I felt his tongue ring and smiled mid kiss. "What?" He asked with a cute smile.

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