Chapter 4

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*Jordyn pov*

I put my books back in my locker and grabbed my bag.

"Hey." Alex came over and leaned against the locker beside me.

"Hey there."

"Whatcha doing after school?" She asked as I shut my locker.

"Well, I wish Josh would text me but," I paused. "That's not going to happen." We started walking down the hall to the font of the school. "I downloaded all their music last night." We laughed.

"Really? So you like them?" She asked, exited.

"Yea, I like Beside You. It makes me teary." She laughed.

"I love that song." I felt a vibrate in my back pocket, I took my phone out and checked who it was.

"O-o-o-o-o, who is it?" I looked at my phone.

'I'll be home late tonight sweetie - mom'

"It's just my mom."

'Ok, love you - Jordyn'

"Aww, thought it would be Josh." Alex whined. I laughed. We started walked home. I felt a another vibrate.

"Ugh, my mom again." I grabbed my phone and opened the text.

'Hey, wanna come swimming? Me and Matt are bored and we're hot - riverdance.' I smiled.

"What?" Alex asked.

"It's Josh."

"O-o-o, what he say?"

"He wants me to go swimming." I smiled at the text.

'Sure, I can be there in 15 minutes - perfect disaster'

"What you say? What you say?" I showed her the text. We made it to the corner of my street. "Tell me what happens!" I laughed.

"Bye." I walked up my street and unlocked the door.

Bathing suit, bathing suit, where's my bathing suit? I looked in the laundry room and found my bikini and my girl swim trunks. I'm not comfortable in my body. I ran upstairs and put on my bikini. This one's my favourite, it's white with black and red polka-dots. it makes my boobs look good, just sayin'.

I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my scars on my legs. Yes, I used to cut, there was too many things happening in my life. There's some on my wrist but they aren't that noticeable. Dont wanna talk about it. I threw on my shorts and my Metallica shirt. I found a small beach bag and put some extra clothes and sunscreen in it and zipped it up. I put my hair in a messy bun and jogged downstairs, slipped on my flip flops and walked out the door.

When I made it to Josh's house I stood there, outside his door. Should I just walk in or knock? Naa, walk in. I twisted the door knob and luckily it was unlocked.

"Hello-o-o!" I yelled. Matt came down the stairs only in his swim trunks.

"Hey, nice of you to knock." He chuckled. I shrugged and laughed.

"Where's Josh?"

"In the back. C'mon." He smiled and he started walking to the back. I followed. We walked outside and Josh was on a a long chair, laying down with his eyes closed, bathing in the sun.

"Hey there princess." I said. He opened his eyes and sat up.

"You came." He said standing up.

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