Chapter 32

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*Josh pov*

I woke up beside Jordyn who was curled up beside me, hogging all the blankets.

I think I'm gonna take her out today. Do something fun...

I rolled out of bed and headed downstairs to maybe attempt to make breakfast. I took out a bowl and pancake mix. I turned on the burner and put a pan on it. This can't be that hard...

I mixed the batter and poured it onto the pan, trying not to burn myself. I took out another small pan because I know Jordyn would love me even more if I made bacon.

I finished cooking and went upstairs to wake Jordyn up. I kneeled down beside her on her side of the bed.

"Jordyn?" She moaned. "Jordy-y-yn." She didn't answer. "Wake up."

"No." She wined.

"I made food."


"I made bacon." She smirked.

"Ok." She said and opened her eyes. I stood up and she sat up.

"Let's go have a romantic breakfast with the TV." I took her hand and brought her downstairs. We grabbed a plate of pancakes and took some bacon. We sat on the couch with our plates.

"Mmm, bacon."Jordyn mumbled before inhaling a piece of bacon. I laughed.

"Let's go out today. " I said.

"What do you wanna do?" She asked.

"I don't know... Haven't gotten to that part yet. How about I surprise you?"

"But I hate surprises."

"But you'll like this one."


I dont even know what im gonna do. Something fun, romantic...? Let's interact with our fans... A smirk crossed my face and Jordyn gave me a look as I pulled out my phone, opening twitter.

"What are you doing?" She asked.


'@JoshRamsay: Wanna see me and Jordyn? Meet us at the middle of the mall at 4! I'll see all you sassy-asses there' but shhhh it's a secret'

*Jordyn pov*

I hate surprises. I hate not knowing what I'm going to do. Ugh.

We finished eating and I threw my dishes in the sink.

"Can I at least know what I should wear? Something warm or..."

"Um, pants and a T-shirt I guess."

"Ok, let me go get dressed then." I jogged up the stairs and into our room. I grabbed some jeans and a decent shirt. I went to the bathroom, putting on my make-up and straightening my hair. I started heading downstairs. Josh ran by me, scooping me up, startling me and he ran out the door with our shoes dangling off his fingers. "Shit! Don't scare me like that!" I told him as he put me down in front of his car and laughed.

"Sorry, here's your shoes." He passed them to me.

"Thank ya-a-a." I slipped them on and got in the car. "So, where're we going?" I asked, wanting to know desperately.

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