Chapter 18

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*Josh pov*

I pushed the hospital emergency doors open using my back with Jordyn in my arms.

"Hello! Uh, she fainted." A guy took her out of my grasp and nurses came rushing with a stretcher. The guy placed her on the stretcher.

"Can you tell me what happened."

"Oh, uh, I figured out she wasn't eating and she ate and she uh..." I lost my thought and followed them as they rushed down the hall. "She just fainted." She looks so pale.

"Sir, Im sorry but no one can go past here." One of the nurses said as I watched Jordyn get pushed down the hall. I slowly nodded and sat on one of the chairs in the hall. My head fell into my hands.

She's gonna be fine. She's gonna be fine.

I took a breath and pulled out my phone.

"Hello?" Matt answered.

"Hey, uh, I'm at the hospital, Jordyn fainted."

"What? Dude, we'll be right there." The line went dead. I sat there for fifteen minutes scrambled in my thoughts. She will be fine, right? God, Ihope she gets out for her birthday. Someone sat beside me and I flinched, deep on my thoughts.

"Hey, you ok?" Ian asked and all the guys sat down beside me.

"Uh, yea."

"What happened?" Mike asked.

"She couldn't keep food down then she just fainted."

"Sorry man. She'll be alright." I gave a small smile to Matt. I recognized a nurse that was with Jordyn and stood up.

"Is she ok?" I asked.

"We can't tell any non-family members anything but I need you to fill out this form." I nodded and she handed me a clip board from the desk.

"Thanks." I sat back beside the guys. I started checking boxes and filling out stuff that seems worthless. "These are stupid questions."

"Why?" Matt asked.

"'Are you/they sexually active?' Like, why do you need to know this?"

"You just don't want to check off yes." Mike said and I couldn't help it to chuckle.

"Whatever." I said and checked off no. At least the guys are trying to make me happy. I finished off the form and gave it to the nurse on the other side of the desk.

"When can I see her?" I asked.

"Tomorrow. I suggest you go home and rest." I ram my fingers through my hair.

"Thanks." I walked back to the guys. "I can't see her until tomorrow." I paused. "I should, uh, go tell her mom everything. Can you guys stay here just for a bit longer if anything happens?"

"Of course." Matt said. "Take it easy." I smiled back and walked out of the hospital.

I knocked on their door and her mom answered.

"Oh, Josh. Hello." She said surprised.

"Hey, do you think I can come in to talk to you."

"Yea, sure." I walked in and took of my shoes. We sat on the couch.

"Ok, I bet you heard everything and none of that was true with me and Amanda. Me and Jordyn talked and we're perfect again."

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