Chapter 10

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*Jordyn pov*

I leaned on Josh.

"What are you doing?" I asked Ian who was on an iPad.

"Doing a question and answer on Twitter." He laughed under his breath. "Oh look 'are you salty Ian?'" He laughed again. "Classic."

"Well, are you?" I asked.

"Wa-a-a-ay too salty." Everyone gave a laugh.

"Do you guys wanna go mini-putting?" Josh asked out of the blue.

"I just came by to drop off those cup cakes and I should get going." Kevvy stood up. "I'm meeting Jason and Tony, anyone wanna come?"

"I'll come." Matt stood up and him and kevvy putt on their shoes. I saw Mike pull out his phone and look at it.

"Oh, Megan wants to see me at my place." He said and they all walked out.

"Ian?" Josh said.

"Naa, I'm good, I always sucked at mini putt." I laughed under my breath.

"Guess it's just you and me then Disaster."

"Fi-i-ine." I stood up and walked to the front. I heard Josh chuckle.

"Fine? What do you mean fine?" I shrugged.

"Well..." I smiled at him.

We made it to the mini putt place.

"For two please." Josh said to the girl across the counter.

"That'll be twenty one dollars and eleven cents." Josh gave her the money and she gave him change back. She gave us our putter and a ball each. Wow, it's dead here.

"Thanks." I said and we went to the first hole. This one's always the easiest. This one is just a curved course. "You go first." I told him.

"Oh, you wanna see the putt master go first? Alright." He put his ball down.

"Putt master?" I giggled. "Who calls you that?"

"Shh! The putt master has to concentrate." I put my hands up in defence and stepped back. He lined the putter with the ball. He stretched his neck, flopped his legs around and took a big breath. He hit the ball, it bounced off two sides and slowed down a couple feet from the hole.

"Beat that!" He said. I laughed and put my ball down and lined it up. I hit it and the ball bounced off a wall and landed just in front of his ball.

"Not bad, not bad." He nodded his head slowly. We finished that hole with a score of two for me and three for Josh.

"I'm totally gonna beat your ass." I said as we walked to the second hole.

"Oh really?"


"Let's see about that." He said and gave me a scowl. I gave one back. He got in his position and did his routine, stretch his neck, flop his legs and take a big breath. He hit the ball and, again, it landed a couple feet away from the hole.

"Pftt, whatever." I said and set up. I was about the hit the ball.

"Unicorn poop." Josh whispered in my ear from behind mid swing. The ball went up the little hill and back down. I looked at him and laughed.

"That's interference! I get a re-try." I grabbed my ball and placed it in front of me again.

"No you don't. That's against the rules!" Josh told me.

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