Chapter 34

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*Jordyn pov*

It's been a couple days since the music video and Chris said its coming together well.

I woke up and didn't want to get up. I rolled over and there was no Josh. I moaned and stuffed my face into my pillow. I slowly got out of bed, not bothering to put pants on because this shirt is long enough. I walked downstairs and found Josh sitting on the couch talking to Matt who was sitting across from him on the chair. I came over to Josh and laid across the couch with my head in his lap and closed eyes.

"Oh, hey." Matt said happily.

"Mmmm." I moaned.

"No pants?" Josh asked. I shook my head slightly.

"Pants are for chumps." Both Matt and Josh chuckled.

"Ready to meet my family?" Josh asked and my eyes shot open.

"That's today!?" Josh nodded.

"Yup. Be ready to meet my crazy family."

"When?" I asked.

"Two hours."

"Oh, shit." I mumbled and jumped off the couch, running up the stairs to get ready. I took a long shower then wrapped my body with a towel. What do I wear!? Sure, they'll like me for me but I still wanna look nice. I started looking through my clothes in our closet. I heard a door shut downstairs, probably meaning Matt left.

"What do I wear!?" I asked Josh who I heard coming upstairs.

"You look beautiful in everything."

"Ugh, that won't help." I told him and he chuckled, leaning against the closets door frame. I continued to shuffle through clothes when I found a cute shirt I forgot I had. "What about is one?" I asked.

"That's cute."

"But do you like it?" He chuckled.

"Of course I do." I looked at the shirt one more time.

"Naa." I put the shirt back with the rest of my clothes and Josh laughed.

"Why are girls so complicated?"

"It's in our nature."

I kept on looking and I pulled out another shirt.

"What about this one?" I asked again.

"I like that one." I looked at the shirt I pulled out.

"I think I'm gonna wear this one." Josh clapped.

"Ya-a-ay!" He cheered. I laughed and playfully rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna go take a shower. Have fun picking your pants." He played and went to the bathroom. I turned to my pants and looked for a nice pair of jeans. Just normal blue pants? I took a pair of blue jeans and help it up to my shirt. Nope. I put the pants back. Why is it so hard to pick something to wear? I grabbed a pair of white jeans and left the closet. I grabbed underwear and a bra then started getting dressed. I wrapped my hair in the towel and looked in the mirror. Josh came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his lower body.

"I think I'm gonna wear this." I told Josh and did a 360 spin.

"I like it." He said. I smiled and looked down at myself. Josh went to our closet to look for something to wear. I headed to the bathroom and took out my make-up bag. I grabbed my eye liner and put a thin line around my eyes, then applying mascara. I took the towel out of my hair and grabbed my hair dryer and turned it on.

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