Chapter 13

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*Jordyn pov*

"Um, Mike... Why is Matts name on your neck?" I asked as we stopped at another red light. Matt started laughing and Mike looked in the car mirror.

"There's more!?" Mike said. Everyone laughed. I found a kleenex box on the ground. I laughed and passed it to Mike.

"Here." I said and he started scrubbing.

"Oh my god Matt!" He said with a laugh.

"What did he do?" I asked Josh.

"Oh, me and Matt got board so me and him drew on the guys. Matt wrote his name all over Mike and I drew a penis on Ian." I laughed as we pulled into the Denny's parking lot. Josh opened the door for me and I hopped off his lap. Everyone got out and we walked in to Denny's.

"Hello, welcome to Denny's, table for five?" The girl at the front with our menus asked us.

"Yes please." Ian said. She walked us to a big horseshoe booth and placed our menus in front of us.

"Your server will be right with you." She gave us a smiled and walked off. I opened my menu.

"I need something with bacon." I said and everyone chuckled.

"I think almost everything comes with bacon." Matt pointed out.

"Well, that's even better." Josh put his arm around my shoulder.

"My bacon lover princess." He said and kissed my temple. Our waitress came by.

"Hello, My name is Katie and I'll be serving you guys today. Can I start you off with drinks?"

"I'll have a orange juice." I told her.

"Water please." Josh said.

"Me too." Mike said.

"Apple juice please." Matt told her.

"Just water please."

"Ok, I'll be right back with your drinks." Our waitress walked to the kitchen. Josh looked at Matt.

"Apple juice?" He said.

"What? I like apple juice, ok?" Matt said in a playful tone.

*After eating*

We got back to Joshs place and I sat on the couch. The moment I did my phone started ringing. I looked at it and Alex was calling.

"Hello-o-o." I answered.


"What's up?" I asked.

"Have you seen this weeks issue of Hello magazine?" She asked.

"Um, no? Why?"

"Oh, your in it!"

"What?" I asked surprised.

"Your in it with Josh on the beach I think. The title say Josh Ramsay New Girlfriend?" She said in a manly announcer voice. "The pictures are really cute by the way." I chuckled.

"Oh." I paused. "Is that good or bad?" I asked and laughed under my breath.

"Umm, have no clue. Ask Josh, maybe he would know. I gotta go now! I just wanted to call and tell you. By-y-ye."

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