Chapter 26

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*Josh pov*

She show started and me and they guys are waiting backstage for our cue. I ran over to Jordyn and kissed her quickly.

"Love you." She smiled but I could still see the worry in her eyes. "Everything's going to be fine." I reminded her again. She smiled.

"Love you."

"Give a hand for Marianas Trench!" Scott yelled. I kissed Jordyn one last time and sprinted. Me and the guys walked out giving everyone hugs and hi-fives. We made our way to the couch and I sat beside Scott with Matt, Mike and Ian sitting beside me. "How you guys doing?" Scott yelled over the crowd.

"Good." I yelled back.

"Haven't seen you guys in a while." The crowd went quieter.

"Yea man, we miss you." Matt said. Everyone laughed.

We answered questions about our music and pretty much everything else.

"We are actually working on a new music video soon." I said. "That's pretty much all of the information we can give you guys."

"Aww c'mon man."

"That's all we know." Mike said.

"Oh, well that's fair." He paused. "Now, I have a serious question." I nodded. "All over Twitter, trenchers are freaking out over this mystery girl..." The crowd screamed, interrupting Scott, and he laugh. "And I think everyone in this room is wondering... Who is she?"

"Her name is Jordyn and, yes, she is my girlfriend." The crowd gasped and screamed. The guys laughed.

"How long have you guys been seeing each other?"

"A couple months now." I paused. "She's actually backstage right now."

"Well, c'mon! Bring her out!" I looked past Scott and saw Jordyn walk down the path through the crowd of screaming girls, giving them hi-fives with a smile. The guys moved down so Jordyn could sit beside me and Scott. She sat down and she didn't look as nervous anymore. I put my arm on the top of the couch we were sitting on. "Hey Jordyn. How are ya?"

"I'm good, how about you?" She asked.

"Good, good, thanks for asking. Now, Twitter has been blowing up with tweets about you and Josh, even more so today from those two pictures Josh posted. Can we get the pictures up?" On the screen in front of us, that shows us what the people at home see, turned to the two pictures of me and Jordyn took today with our awesome shirts. "First I wanna say I love those shirts! And in the caption it says 'hanging with my disaster'."

"Yea, that's what he calls me, his Disaster."

"Aww, do you have a nickname for him?" Jordyn looked at me and laughed before she said anything.

"Riverdance." I smiled at her. Scott laughed.

"Those are the best nicknames ever. I think the crowd outside cant wait to meet you guys. Wanna go say hi?"

"Of course!" Ian said. We all got up and walked to the area that was open for more fans. They all went crazy and me and the guys went to the crowd to sign some stuff. Jordyn stayed beside me smiling and waving to the fans.

It went to commercial and I squeezed Jordyns hand. She smiled up at me.

We went back inside and set up for us to play. I kissed Jordyn backstage and ran out and sat down just in time.

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