Chapter 25

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*Jordyn pov*

"The party has arrived." Josh said when I answered the door and walked in. "I wanted to be fashionably late so I could do that awesome entrance." I shut the door and looked at the clock

"It's 5:08." I said.

"And you told me to be here at 5 so, yes, I am fashionably late." He said and pecked me on the cheek.

"Hey Josh." Mom said, walking out of the kitchen with a smile.

"Hey Nicole." Mom came over and gave Josh a hug. Forgot to tell him mom's a hugger.

We sat down to eat and, thankfully, Josh kept a conversation going the whole time and neither of them embarrassed me... As much as I thought they would. It seamed like mom really likes Josh, which is great, I'm glad. I mean, he's so sweet... Who wouldn't fall in love with him?

We said our byes to Josh and I gave him a hug and also a kiss when mom wasn't looking.

"Stay over tomorrow night." He whispered in my ear before we released our hug. I nodded and smiled. Josh left and I turned to mom.

"I think that's the best boyfriend you ever had." I smiled.

"Yea." I said agreeing.

"Can you help me with the dishes please?" Mom asked.

"Ugh. Sure." We went in the kitchen and she took out the drying rack. I filled the sink with water and soap. "Is it ok if I stay over Joshs tomorrow night?" I asked and started soaking the dirty plates.

"Sure." She said but she still had a worried look on her face.


"I'm just still worried about you. I always will be because I'm a mom."

"It's fine mom. I won't do anything that will ruin my life."

I get it, she doesn't want me to go have sex with Josh or anything like that. Even though she knows he has a purity ring, I get it.

"I know, It's just my mom instinct." I gave a small laugh.

We finished the dishes and I went upstairs to my room. I put on my PJs and found my phone blinking on my table. It was a text from Josh.

'Does your mom love me yet!? - Riverdance'

I smiled at the text and sat on my bed.

'Yea, she's totally in love with you - Disaster'

'Better then hatin' - Riverdance'

'She's still worried if I'll have sex with you or something like that. She said that's just how moms think - Disaster'

'I'm not a mom but I understand. There wasn't a chance for me to tell you but me, the guys and a director talked it over and we're gonna do another music video and I want you in it. :) - Riverdance'

'Do I have tooooooooooo? - Disaster'

'Pleeeeeeeease? - Riverdance'

'Fine - Disaster'

'Yaaay! Don't worry, it'll be fun. I think we're doing it for Toy Soldiers - Riverdance'

'What do I have to do? - Disaster'

'No clue, we haven't got there yet :) - Riverdance'

'Oh ok :P When do you want me over tomorrow? - Disaster'

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