Chapter 22

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*Jordyn pov*

I woke up wrapped in Joshs arms and my head against his shirtless chest.

"Morning Disaster." Josh said with his eyes still closed and a smile on his face.

"Hey there." I mumbled and hid my face in Joshs chest again. He kissed my head.

This is perfect. All I want to do is stay here.

"Oh shit, I didn't tell my mom I was staying." I stretched and grabbed my phone.

'Hey mom, I forgot to tell you but I'm at Joshs, I'm ok - Jordyn'

I put my phone down and snuggled agains Josh again.

"How's your boner?" I asked with a smirk and he laughed.

"You're never gonna let that go." It wasn't a question.

"Nu-uh." I started drawing circles on his stomach with my finger. We stayed there doing nothing, which was perfect.

"You have rose peddles in your hair." Josh said and started taking a couple out. "What's your on your agenda today, Disaster?"

"Nothing. How about you?"

"I don't HAVE to do anything."

"Can we just stay here forever?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Sounds good."

"...and we have unlimited bacon."

"That's ever better." He kissed me. I would stay here forever. Why not?

Our kiss got interned when Joshs phone started ringing.

"Hello?" He answered. "Why?... Fine, give us a hour... Bye." He hung up and put his phone on the table. "That was Matt. He wants us to go over."

"Fi-i-ine." I stretched again and tried sitting up. Josh held me tighter and didn't let me go.

"We have a hour though." He whispered and pulled up the covers.

"But I need a shower." He shook his head.


"But I don't wanna give you another boner."

"Oh my god." He laughed. "Just go take a shower." I kissed him and smiled. I grabbed a towel and shut the bathroom door behind me.

I took a shower and wrapped myself in a towel. Shit, forgot clean underwear. I opened the door.

"Where's the gift Nicole got me?" I looked at Josh and there was underwear on his head. "Oh my god." I laughed and walked over to him, who sitting on the edge of the bed. "Can I have that back?"

"Fine." He took it off his head and gave it to me.

"Thank you." I pecked his lips and walked back to the bathroom and shut the door just a crack, leaving a bit open.

"Jordy-y-yn, I have to pe-e-e-ee." I laughed at how childish he sounded.

"Can I at least get dressed?" I asked him putting on my pants.

"I have to pee." He said again. I smiled and rolled my eyes. I put on my bra and walked out with my shirt in hand.

"There." I said and he ran into the bathroom and shut the door. I put on my shirt and I laid back down on Joshs bed. I heard a flush and he came out of the bathroom. He ran over to the bed and jumped over me. "Oh my god!" I yelled and he started laughing.

Perfect Disaster (Marianas Trench fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now