Chapter 12

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Tris POV

I wake up the next morning to the beeping of my alarm. I feel so tired…but last night was worth it. Wasn't it? I think so. I peek through my window and look just in time to see Four disappear from his room. Probably to eat or something.

I get up and make sure that my dye is still in my hair. It's a little faded, but I don't feel like doing it over again, so I leave it be.

I get dressed in black skinny jeans, a black jean jacket, black t-shirt, and a black tennis shoes. I still don't dress up as much as some girls do, but I really don't care. They can think whatever they want. If they say anything about it though, they can taste a nice fist to their face.

I slide down the railing down the stairs and see Tori making breakfast, just like always. She turns around and smiles at me. "I see your calf is doing better?" she says. I almost forgot about that. I guess it is…I mean, I can't feel it. There will probably be another scar there though. I nod my head at Tori. "Sit down at the table. I made eggs and bacon."

I follow her order and sit down. She sets a plate full of eggs and bacon in front of me. "You have to eat at least 4 bites of each. You didn't have anything for supper yesterday. Also, you only ate half an apple for lunch yesterday. Now eat. I'm not budging," she tells me. I sigh. Of course she noticed I didn't eat anything for supper yesterday. But who told her I ate only half an apple? Oh well.

I take exactly 4 bites of each and look up hopefully at Tori. She sighs. "Really Tris? Can you please take one more bite?" I cock my head to the side and give her a look as if to say, "I did what you told me to do." She throws her head back in frustration and huffs. "Fine. You can go. It's good enough, and I know that I won't be able to get you to eat anymore," she says as she rolls her eyes.

Tori is such a little kid sometimes. It's quite funny watching her get frustrated or flustered. That's why I like to do it so much. But I get her frustrated playfully. It's not pretty when she actually gets angry. Kinda like me.

I run upstairs and see that I still have 10 minutes to spare. I brush my teeth and hair and then flop onto my bed. I am so tired, but I tell myself not to fall asleep. I get off my bed so it decreases my chances of falling asleep.

I look out my window and see Four standing there watching me. "You tired too?" he mouths. I nod my head. "Me too. Wanna ride to school?" he asks me. I guess a ride to school would be nice. I nod my head and mouth, "Sure." He grabs his book bag and mouths to me, "I'll be there in five." I nod my head as I watch him disappear, once again, downstairs.

I go downstairs as well and grab my stuff. I do a double check to make sure I have everything. Book bag. Check. Books. Check. Pencil. Check. My necklace. Check.

I have everything. I sit down on the couch and mess with my necklace. It says to be brave. The last words that my mother told me. This necklace is the last thing of her that I have to hold on to. It's kind of funny how this bracelet matches Dauntless standards. It has flames, their logo, and the words "Be Brave" on it, their purpose. Well…part of their purpose.

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door. It's probably Four. I get off the couch and walk over to it. I open it up and sure enough, there stands Four. "You ready?" he asks me. I haven't told Tori that I got a ride with Four yet. I shake my head and point inside. He looks confused for a second then asks me, "Tori?" I nod my head. He pokes his head inside and yells, "TORI! I'm taking Tris to school! Bye!" He is so loud! I think anyone in a 10 mile radius could hear that. I hear her yell back, "OK FOUR! BYE YOU TWO! TRIS! MAKE SURE YOU DON'T RUN OFF TODAY!" I feel the heat rush to my cheeks and look down and shut the door behind me. Four is laughing. I glare at him. But I smile a second later to show that I'm just playing.

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