Chapter 24

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Tris' POV (*winces*)

When I wake up, I'm still exhausted. I open my eyes and blink several times to try to get everything in focus. I let out a yawn. After a minute or so, memories flood back in my brain and I'm awake enough to know that Tobias isn't next to me anymore.

I turn and look at the clock. Well that would explain why he's gone. It's 9:13. I've been sleeping for 4 hours. I let out another yawn and sit up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I step out from under the covers, regretfully. I know I've been sleeping for a long time, but it's nothing compared to the sleep I've lost.

I stand up and walk over to my door, about ready to go downstairs to see Tori, but remember that I'm wearing a short sleeved shirt at last second. I walk back to my dresser, yawning, and pull out the first hoodie I can find. I slip it on and then walk out of my room and downstairs. I see Tori on the couch.

"Hey Tori."

Her head turns to me. She smiles. "Hey Bea."

She pats the space next to her, indicating for me to sit down. I walk over to the couch and sit down beside her. She turns away from the TV to look at me. She frowns.

"You still look exhausted."

"I am. I probably won't stay up for long."

"At least drink some water before you go back to bed, okay?"

I nod and get up to walk to the kitchen. I open the fridge and grab the first water bottle I can find before heading back out to the living room. I sit back down with the water and take a few gulps of it.

"Oh! I almost forgot. Four said to call him after you woke up. He seemed to feel bad that he had to leave. I told him he didn't have to, but he said he didn't want to intrude."

I smile. He's so selfless. "When did he leave?"

"About an hour and a half ago."

"You mean, he stayed with me for 2 and a half hours?"

"Yup," she says, popping the 'p'.

That only supports my thoughts. He is so much more than I deserve. I shouldn't really smile, especially with that thought, but I smile even bigger. He stayed with me, doing nothing but holding me and 'fighting' off the bad dreams. I slept peacefully for 4 hours. That's the longest I've slept at one time in the past few days.

"I'll probably go call him then."

She waves her hands towards the stairs.

"Go right on ahead then. And you should probably go back to bed afterwards."

"Ok." I nod.

I grab the water bottle and head towards the stairs. I go up the first step, then stop.

"Hey Tori?"


I turn to look at her. "I love you."

She smiles. "Love you too Bea. Goodnight."


I climb up the rest of the stairs to my room. Once I get up there, I decide to take a shower first before I call Tobias. I only take undergarments because I just changed clothes earlier. I turn on the water and strip quickly. I look in the mirror again while I wait for the water to warm. The purple marks under my eyes aren't as pronounced, but they're definitely still there. I'll probably have to cover that up with some makeup tomorrow. Damn. I hate makeup.

I step into the shower. I shampoo and condition my hair quickly, then look at the razor. I stare at it for a while.

"Only if you promise not to use it."

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