Chapter 28

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Four's POV

The first thing I register is something like a feather tickling my neck. My arms are wrapped around this same object, but I don't know what it is.

The next thing I register is the bed. This definitely does not feel like my bed. Where am I anyways?

Then I remember. We're in Ohio. The gang is in Ohio as well and we're all staying at a hotel. We're near Tris' hometown.


I slowly open my eyes. It's still pitch black, so it can't be morning yet. I wait for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, then pull back a bit from what I now have discovered is Tris' sleeping body. I can see her blonde hair in the darkness along with the outlines of her face. I take one arm off from around her and brush the hair back from her face. I run my fingertips gently and lightly down the side of her cheek. Her skin is like a baby's; smooth and silky.

I mentally take a picture of her as her original self; as Beatrice. It's not very often I get to see her like this; with her walls down. She very rarely will show even a tiniest sliver of vulnerability. She believes it makes her weak. I've asked her about it before. Why did she never ask for help or admit that she needed it? She bluntly told me that she felt weak asking and that she could handle herself. Needless to say, the conversation didn't continue after that. I'm smart enough not to push her.

I stare at her for a while longer. I memorize the absolute peace she is in when sleeping and not having a nightmare. It will be something I'd like to look back on each day or night when I see her hurting. I wish she could always have peace like this; it would make things so much easier for her.

If only I could take away some of her pain; I would gladly trade my wellbeing for her pain if it meant she wouldn't hurt. But sadly, that's not how life works.

I eventually close my eyes again to try and fall back asleep. After a couple of minutes, I hear Tris start to murmur and shift around. I open my eyes again to see her tossing and turning. She's having another nightmare.


Just hearing Eric's name makes my blood boil in anger. But that's not what I should be focusing on right now. My main priority should be getting Tris out of this nightmare. I take a deep breath and exhale, releasing most of my anger.

I pull her body closer to mine so her head is next to my shoulder. I lean down and whisper into her ear.

"It's okay Tris. It's not real."

I start to run my fingers gently through her hair. She moves and whimpers a bit. Hearing her whimper like this makes my heart break just a little bit. I can't stand to think about the things that have made her like this.

"You're here with me. You're okay. I promise."

She goes still and I breathe a quiet sigh of relief. I gently place my lips against her forehead and see her body relax. I stare at her for a little while longer before cradling her small body against mine and closing my eyes, falling asleep once again.

Tris' POV

(Sorry, but there's only so much I can do from Tobias' POV at this moment)

I wake up entwined in Tobias' arms. My head is resting against his shoulder and my shoulders are hunched towards his chest. The top half of me is basically curved loosely into his figure. I feel myself blush a little bit. I've never been this intimately...close to someone before. I admit, it does feel nice, though. I blush a little bit more, even though I know that there's no reason to.

I lean back just a little bit from his embrace and look up into his face. He looks like his true age when he's sleeping. He looks and acts much older, most likely because of his being forced to grow up quickly; and probably because of his abuse as well.

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