Chapter 7

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This morning, you wake up feeling refreshed and well rested. However, your entire morning seems to be chock full of obstacles that are trying to make you as late as possible for work. As you walk into your office, you call for your administrative assistant. "Michelle, help!"

Michelle runs towards your voice and sees you walking out of the elevator carrying several things, all at once and doing a poor job of carrying every one of them. She runs up to you and takes your attaché case, jacket, and purse, leaving your hands free enough to hold your coffee without spilling it and to take your phone call. You mouth "Thank you" to Michelle as you talk on the phone.

You say, "...well yes. But Jordan, I don't need to meet with the client. I already met with their representatives weeks ago. Don't these people know that my expertise is in media and entertainment law?.... Okay, okay. Fine. But they need to know all of this is billable. This call will be billable..... Right.... No, I know. Sounds good. I can be available today at 1:30, maybe 2:00.... Let me know when its confirmed. Okay. I gotta go. Yup, yup. Bye."

You breathe a long sigh and say to Michelle, "Michelle, I don't have anything scheduled around 1:30 or 2:00 today, do I? I really should have checked with you to see if I was available then, but I just wanted to get Jordan off the phone."

Michelle says, "Your last schedule meeting is at 3:45, but between 11:00 and your 3:45, you are free."

"Phew. Good. We may get a call from upstairs confirming a meeting with a client. I don't think it'll take long. I think they just want to know how far along this is."

Michelle replies, "No problem. By the way, you have several messages. They are on your desk. The one on the top is from your brother."

You ask, "Which one?"

Michelle answers, "The hot one."

You say, "Ewww...."

Michelle walks out of your office chuckling to herself.

You look at the first message and it's from Tanner. You laugh and say to yourself, "Can't wait to tell him what Michelle said."

You pick up your office phone and dial Tanner. He picks up on the second ring and says, "Hello?"

You say, "Hey, Tannerino... I see that you called. What's up?"

"Just calling to check and see how my big sister is doing."

You say, "Awww.... I love that! Oh, Tanner, by the way, my secretary called you the hot one."

"What was the context of the conversation that my hotness came up?" He says chuckling.

"Well, when I came in this morning, she said I had a whole bunch of messages, then she said, 'the first message is from your brother.' So, I asked, which one? And she said, 'the hot one.'"

Tanner laughs and says, "This is exactly why I call you regularly. My head is almost big enough now, that I am having some trouble fitting it through my office door."

"You are so cute. So, have you seen Peter lately?"

"Well, Mister hoity toity is on the top floor now and very rarely descends down here to mingle with the commoners."

Peter had gotten a recent promotion into a C-suite position at his company. Since then, he has been so busy that it would be easier to get a private audience with the Pope than with your brother.

Tanner asks, "So, we are still on for dinner at home on Saturday night, right?"

"You bet your ass; it is."

Tanner replies, "Hey, that's HOT ass. Thank you very much."

"Eww... Tanny. No. Just no."

He laughs aloud and says, "I've got to get going but I'll see you Saturday afternoon. Okay?"

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