Chapter 14

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You wake up this morning and try your best to get your head in the game for the first partner interview that you have scheduled for today. You are not nervous by any means. Especially because it is with Jordan. He has been your champion after all. Jin is still out cold in your bed when you are ready to leave for work. You leave a note saying goodbye and head out. By the time you get to work, the office is still mostly empty and quiet. Once in your office, you go through your morning routine. It's too early for Michelle to be in, so you skip the daily schedule part of things, but you know that your meeting with Jordan is at 10:00 this morning. You have a couple of things on the docket that will require your attention and finishing touches before the end of today, so you start working on those.

Around 9:00, Michelle knocks and pops her head into your office. "Are you ready for your meeting with Jordan this morning?"

You say, "Come in. Yes. I think I am. I have no clue what he is going to ask me about that he doesn't already know, but we'll see." Michelle reviews your schedule with you for the day. By the time that's done, it is 9:30 and you decide to get yourself ready for the first of four partner interviews. Around quarter to 10:00, you leave your office to head upstairs.

When Michelle sees you walk out of your office, she says, "Knock 'em dead, girl!"

You give her a big smile and your two thumbs up. You make it up to Jordan's office and say hello to his secretary, Janice. "Hi Janice, I'm here for my 10:00 AM with Jordan."

Janice says, "Oh, yes. Jordan is expecting you. Please go on in."

You thank her and turn to knock on Jordan's door. You hear him say, "Come on in."

You say, "Good morning, Jordan."

Jordan replies, "Good morning. Go have a seat at the table."

As you sit, Jordan grabs a folder off of his desk and comes to the table to join you. Then he begins, "So, listen. This is going to be a short meeting. I already know that you are valuable to this firm. I just want to hear what you want to see happen with the firm, once you are officially a partner. What do you envision doing? Do you want to see the firm take a certain direction with you being added to the helm? Those types of things. Remember, this business is now your business, and you'll have a lot more say in the type of things that we invest our time and effort into."

You take a moment to consider this. Then you reply, "As you already know, I've been getting a lot of new clients that require my expertise in the past several months. And I am finding that my area of specialty crosses paths with things that are not in my wheelhouse. So, what I would eventually like to look at is, starting a separate division that would include other associate attorneys that can and do address those aspects. This can include intellectual property as a part of it. I'm also thinking about ways to make us more visible in the community to generate more business."

Jordan nods and says, "I knew from day one that you'd be a fire cracker. Good. That sounds perfect. Okay. We are done."

You are taken aback. You ask, "Wait. What do you mean we are done? That was it?"

He replies, "Yea. Why?

"I just imagined there would be more. I don't know. I was imagining sweat on my brows and such."

Jordan laughs and says, "Not from me. Maybe with one of the other guys."

"Well, Jordan...I prepared stuff for this meeting that I never even got to say?"

"How long will it take for you to go through it all?"

You reply, "I don't know. Like twenty minutes?"

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