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Tomorrow being the big day, you set your alarm on your phone, lest you wake up late for the preparations. You go through your bedtime routine as you always have, and Jin watches you from his vantage point. He is sitting halfway up, hands behind his head, following your every move as you busily prepare for tomorrow's matrimony. You can see a sleepy but satisfied grin on his flawless face, already quite spent from love making earlier this evening. He waits for you to be done with your routine, so that he can wrap his long arms around you and sleep the sleep of the dead.

Tonight, was spent on the ceremony rehearsal followed by the rehearsal dinner. Jordan offered to turn his pub, O'Shaughnessy's, into the place for dinner to this special occasion. The entire wedding party and their + 1 were all gathered in early celebration. Throughout the night, Jin's need for you became increasingly evident. And by the end of the night, Jin couldn't keep his hands or lips off of you. On the ride back home, his hands were gripping your thigh so tightly that it bordered on pain. You could see his engorged length straining against his suit pants and his eyes completely blown with blinding desire for you.

When the two of you burst through the door into the kitchen from the garage, he kissed you so hard and long, that when you broke away from him, you were left completely breathless.

Jin wrapped his arms around your waist and growled in your ear, "Baby, you better run upstairs to the bedroom. By the time I get up there, you better be completely bare and ready for me. I'm going to devour you until you don't know where you end, and I begin. Go. NOW!"

As you ran upstairs, you started to shed your clothes. First your Kelly-green silk dress, then your bra, and when you finally made it into the bedroom, you slinked towards the bed. Purely out of habit, you put your hair in a loose bun. And as you lowered your panties over your round and full hips, you heard Jin's lust sodden voice coming from behind you. "Leave your hair down, baby. I like it down."

A little startled, you turned to see him walking towards you with only one purpose. His tie undone, his shirt unbuttoned, and his trousers unzipped. He crashed his lips onto yours while holding the back of your neck with his hand, pulling you closer into him.

Jin said, "Gorgeous, I need you to get on that bed right now. I've been wanting to be buried deep inside you all night and I have waited long enough. So, be my good girl and lay down on your back, knees up and thighs wide apart."

Like a good girl that you are, you did exactly as you were told. Jin undressed himself and got on the bed. When he got himself in between your legs, he ran his index and middle fingers of his right hand down your chasm, splitting it apart. When he saw your quivering depth glistening with your arousal for him, Jin took a hard swallow and let out a low and animalistic groan. Without any warning, he plunged his fingers into your soaking wet center and said, "Oh God, baby, you are so goddamn wet." When he pulled his fingers out of you, he brought them to his lips, sucking them dry, and said, "Fuck, I love the way you taste. You drive me so crazy. Are you ready for me sweetheart?"

You replied, "Yes, baby. I need you right now. Right now. Please."

Jin slowly lowered himself to kiss you, then he said, "God.... I love hearing my baby begging for my cock. Begging for me to stuff my fat dick into that tight wet cunt. Tell me, Doll face, what is it that you want from me again? Let me hear you."

"Please, please, I need you inside me right now. I need you to fill me up. I need you to fuck me, like this will be the last time you'll ever get to be inside me. Please, please. Give it to me."

As you begged for him to fill you up, he palmed his cock, hard as a railroad spike, in his hand, slowly pumping it. He said, "I've been waiting to fuck you all night. God... I almost ripped your panties off in the middle of dinner, I wanted to bend you over the table and just thrust into you right then and there."

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