Chapter 8

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Now, lying in bed, you run through the entire night with Jin, and you are trying to figure out what happened. You tell yourself, "What the hell was I thinking, letting a man I barely know and haven't seen in almost a decade kiss me like that? Am I really that desperate for physical affection?" You try to remember when the last time you had sex with someone was. After giving some thought, you come to the conclusion that it was almost eight months ago now.

You started dating a man about a year ago and things seemed quite promising in the beginning. But about four months into the relationship, you found out that he was married. You almost ran him over with your car, but you liked being able to practice law with a license, so you decided against it at the last minute. Unfortunately for you, that was the last person you had any kind of physical contact with. That is until tonight.

You think back to what things were like with Jin back in your college days. You think, "Maybe I was willfully obtuse." Because he, in his own beating-around-the-bush kind of way, told you every day, how he felt about you. All the compliments that you would deflect with humor and all of those sweet ways he'd try to make you feel special. "I just walked right over them. No wonder he got so pissed in the end. If I put myself out there like that every day and my efforts were so easily trampled, I would be angry too." You make a mental note to apologize for being "willfully obtuse" when you got to see him again.

If... you saw him again. Now, there was the real question. Do you see him again? He came on to you so strongly tonight. What was he trying to do? You wonder, "Is he trying to finish what he started? But what did he start exactly?" The more you think about Jin, your history with him, and what happened tonight, more confused you seem to become. Looking at the clock on your bedside table, it reads 12:45 AM. You decide to put everything out of your mind for now. "I'll deal with it some other time." You tell yourself, "Tomorrow is another day."

The next morning, you wake up and go through your routine without any issue. Unlike yesterday, things run smoothly for you this morning and you even get to work a little early. When you get into your office, Michelle knocks on your door and lets herself in. 

She says, "Mr. Reed asked that you join him in a meeting later this afternoon."

You ask, "What meeting? Is it about one of my cases?"

"I don't think so."

Confused, you ask, "Did he say what it was about?"

Michelle replies, "Not really. Do you want me to call and find out?"

"Nah. I can do that. What time is the meeting?"

"2:00 PM."

You sigh and say, "Okay. Let me call him now. Thank you Michelle."

You dial your boss's extension. He picks up on the second ring and says, "Jordan Reed."

"Jordan, Good morning."

He replies, "Good morning. Are you calling about me pulling you into my 2:00 meeting?"

"Yes. Michelle couldn't give me much detail so...."

Jordan says, "It's the Lawson case. You know, Henry Lawson's daughter."

You say, "Ahh... the paternity thing."

"Yup. That's the one."

You ask, "Why do you need me for that?"

"Priscilla isn't listening to me or Michael. I'm thinking that maybe she would listen to reason coming from someone like yourself."

You say, "Someone like myself?"

Jordan answers, "Yes."

"You mean another woman?"

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