Chapter 9

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When you get into the office this morning, the office seems to be in a bit of an upheaval. You think, "I purposefully came in early so that I can get some work done in silence. What the hell is going on around here?" As expected, Michelle isn't here yet and she isn't supposed to be. She won't be getting in until around 9:00 AM, which is in about hour and a half.

You ask one of the ladies in the paralegal pool as to what is going on and she tells you, "Priscilla Lawson ran some woman over with a car yesterday. Only a few blocks away from here."

You think, "Holy shit. What has she done?" You get into your office and close the door behind you. You decide to keep the light off in your office so that you can work without being interrupted by anyone. You are able to get some work done through all the commotion, but not as much as you'd like. You think, "Thank the good lord that I am not at all involved in that Lawson case. At least not on paper anyway." Then you wonder if she got into the accident after leaving the office. 

About an hour into your work, Michelle comes into your office to get your day started. When she sees you sitting in the dark, she lets out a blood curdling scream. You say, "Oh my God. Michelle, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to startle you."

Michelle pants and says, "Why are you here so early and why are you sitting in the dark?"

You reply, "I came in early to get some work done while the office was quiet, but apparently one of Jordan's client ran some woman over yesterday and the entire office is in a tizzy. I didn't want people to know that I was here, so I just worked in the dark. Sorry hon."

"It's okay, but next time, text me so I won't be so surprised."

You say, "I will."

Michelle asks, "So, you said you were going to tell me about the weirdest client meeting with that handsome man."

You put away your work and take a few minutes to give Michelle the low down on what's been going on in the past two days with Jin. She listens with great interest, and you bring her up to speed to last night. 

Michelle says, "Girl, it is not fair that you are smart, pretty and have the handsomest man I have ever seen wanting your attention."

You reply, "Oh please. What did I tell you about me not dating men that are prettier than me. The main reason for that rule coming about was because of this guy. When we were friends in college, it didn't matter where we went, and men or women, it made no difference. All the eyes would go to him, and I would become completely invisible. He doesn't know this, but it kind of sucked being the ugly friend," you say, laughing.

She says, "I think you are forgetting the most important part. As long as you aren't invisible to him, who cares about everyone else?"

"Maybe you are right. But why do you think his ex-girlfriend dumped him? They were living together and dated for almost three years, I think."

Michelle replies, "I would think it would have had to be something really terrible. Because he is the triple crown; looks, money, and he doesn't seem like a dummy."

"But what would be so terrible that you would put three years of a long-term relationship down a toilet at our age?"

Michelle guesses, "I don't know.... The only thing I can think of is infidelity. You did say he has women surrounding him all the time, I mean if you have women throwing themselves at you, as a man, you would be tempted. You know what I mean? There is always someone younger and prettier."

You say, "That's what I thought too. I never knew him to be that kind of a person though."

"Listen, you said it yourself, you haven't known him in the past decade. Sometimes, people do change for the worst. So, what are you going to do about his advances."

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