Chapter 16

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Michelle meets you at your place and decide to take an Uber around all night. Michelle picked a lovely French restaurant. Food is divine and wine flows throughout dinner. You start by asking, "Michelle, so I need details about your date. I need verbatim what was said the entire night. Don't leave anything out."

Michelle shakes her head at you and laughs.  Then she says, "Okay, I met him at the place we were having dinner. I didn't want him to know where I lived so I told him I'll meet him wherever it was that we were going. I got there a few minutes early and he was already there. So, I'm thinking, punctual. I like that. He does all the gentlemanly things like pulling out my chair, blah, blah, blah. The conversation in the beginning struggles a little, but I'm not going to judge him for that. It's a first date. It's always freaking awkward as hell in the beginning.

"Anyway, he asks me about my work, I ask him about his. He owns his own practice that he runs with three other doctors. He says he tries to be mindful of how much he works because he doesn't want to turn out like his dad, who is also a physician. But I think he is a gynecologist. He recently bought a house and has been working on buying furniture for it."

You say, "Oh... a homeowner, that's good."

She replies, "I know. I'm sick of dating men that live with three other men in a rented house."

You laugh and ask, "So, did you get to ask him about his story?"

She asks, "His story?"

"You know, when was your last relationship? What happened to it? Do you date often? Where do you meet people? What kind of women do you date? Etc."

Michelle looks at you and asks, "Is that what you do? Just grill the shit out of them until you have all the background information you need to make a determination at the end of the date?"

You reply, "Yes. Why? Is that bad? Am I doing it wrong?"

"You cannot tackle your date like a witness on a witness stand. Don't you know anything about conversation and how they take shape? It needs to take its' shape organically throughout your date."

You say, "No. Who the hell has the time for that? I'm this close to having them submit a 500-word essay and a CV with their request for a date with me, so that I can weed out the duds before I agree to a date."

"My God, this is why you are still single!" then she realizes what she said and adds "Shit, Honey, I'm sorry. That was really insensitive of me."

You say, "Oh, please.... You act like I'm devastated by all this. I mean, I am sad and disappointed, but by no means am I crushed or distraught. You have to remember, yes, he and I had history but that was almost ten years ago, and we really only met again less than a month ago. So, I'm not too attached. We only had sex a handful of times. Although... he had the filthiest mouth during it, and I think I really liked it. Who knew?"

"I know, it's kind of difficult to leave when the sex is good. Well, now that you know that's part of what you like, you can maybe put it in your pre-date interview packet that you give out to your potential mates," she says as she laughs.

You retort, "Oh, you be quiet. I just want efficiency. My time is literally money."

Michelle smirks and says, "And it'll be even more expensive now." She raises her wine glass in the air, and you clink it.

Michelle continues to tell you about her date, and you can tell that Michelle likes what she saw in her date so far. She says, "The only thing that wasn't great was that at the end of the night, we had this really awkward handshake/hug thing. That was bad. Yikes. But the rest of the date, I thought was great. By the time I got home, he had texted me to let me know that he had a great time and asked me when we can do it again."

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