Chapter 19

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The elevator door opens to the floor with all the partner office suites. You get to your new offices and see that the door to your suite already has your name on it. As you run your fingers over the engraved name plate, you can't help but feel fulfilled. Finally, you turn the doorknob and open the door. The first thing you see is a large desk facing the door to the suite and Michelle sitting there behind the desk with a big smile on her face. She says, "You finally made it in. Are you okay? You're not sick, are you?"

You reply, "No, I'm doing great. Just didn't get much sleep last night and I couldn't function that way."

Michelle stares at you suspiciously. Then she asks, "You were supposed to meet Josh last night right?"


She looks at your facial expression and says, "You shut the fuck up right now! No way! Are you serious?"

"Yes... it wasn't planned. It really just happened. I couldn't tell you what exactly. We just had pizza and wine for dinner in his back yard and then Bam! Naked on his Chaise lounge, with him on top of me. It is not like we were flirting or lobbing back and forth innuendoes. I couldn't even tell you exactly what we were talking about. The conversations were that inconsequential." You sigh and say, "I think this was my Ford Focus."

Michelle says, "I told you. Men like that... the second you get distracted and... well, you know, clearly."

"Yes. I do."

"So, how was it?"

"Remember how you were telling me that they come in different sizes?"

Michelle leans in towards you and says, "Yes, and...."

"This one, by far, is the biggest one I have ever seen. I didn't realize it came that big. It is really unnecessary, if you think about it. I mean, I only have so much space down there. It's not like Mary Poppin's carpet bag. I can only take in so much. I feel like most of it was just wasted. I started cramping pretty badly because he was ramming into my cervix and that was making my uterus contract. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! And Recovery time, almost non-existent. This one also has the filthiest mouth during it. I was appalled at the things that he was saying.

Michelle asks, "What did he say?"

"Oh my God, Michelle! I really can't even say it out loud. He slapped me!"

"What do you mean? Like on your ass?"

"NO! He fucking slapped me on my face! I mean, it wasn't a hard slap, but it definitely was a slap."

Michelle's eyes are about the size of a saucer. "Are you telling me that he slapped you across your face?"


"What were you doing?"

"I was blowing him. My mouth was absolutely full of him, and he asked me a question. I guess I didn't hear it or something. Well, that's when he slapped me. Then he said something like, 'Fucking answer me when I ask you a question.' Oh, and he called me a slut, well, 'his slut' to be exact."

Michelle plops down on her chair and says, "Woah...."

Then you say, "Oh my God, his body. He looks like a Goddamn Greek god. I shit you not. The filthiest mouth. It's like he became a completely different person during sex. And when not engaged in sexual activities, he is sweet as pie. But during sex, I mean, he slapped me across my face and called me his slut. Need I say more?"

Michelle says, "You said pretty boy had filthy sex talk mouth too right?"

"Yes, but very different vibes. Dumpy was lewd and dirty. Josh, he was dominant, definite top energy. Anyway, Josh said I won't be getting any sleep and I didn't. I got home around 6:00 this morning and slept for few hours before coming into work.

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