Chapter 22

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You and Josh spend the weekend lounging and hanging out without any specific plans. You notice that Josh is a bit needier than usual and aren't sure exactly why. You spend Saturday at your place and Sunday at his. He seems to want his hands on you almost constantly and not wanting to let you out of his sight. Part of you loves the attention and another part of you feels smothered by it.

By Sunday night, you are sore from all the sex and looking forward too some time alone. You leave Josh's place around 8:00 PM, promising him that you'll text him when you get home. When you get to your place, you text him to let him know that you are home safely and thank him for a lovely weekend. Josh tells you that he misses you already and asks when he can see you again. You tell him that this coming weekend is completely free, but that you'd have to get back to him on Monday once you review your schedule with Michelle for your work week availability. You tell Josh good night and put your phone on your bedside table to charge.

Tonight, you decide to get some chores that you have been neglecting for the past two weeks completed before bed. You get some laundry started, so that you'll have clothes to wear this coming week. You also decide to vacuum the living room and clean the kitchen a bit. Around 10:00 PM, as you finish up cleaning the kitchen, you hear a knock at the kitchen door. Startled, you let out a loud yelp and turn to look at who is at the door. When you see Jin standing on the other side, you suddenly feel anxiety. You say, "Hey Dumpy, I thought you were done with just showing up at my place in the middle of the night. What are you doing here?"

Jin says, "Hi Doll face, I'm sorry. I just wanted to get a glimpse of your face. It was so good seeing you on Friday. You don't have to let me in. I just wanted to look at you for a bit. I don't want to scare you or bother you. I just miss you a lot. I'm sorry."

Seeing his pitiful face, lined with regret and discontent, you sigh and open the door. You say, "Dumpy, you can't keep doing this."

Seeing you unlock and open the kitchen door; you can see surprise written all over his face. You continue, "You want to come in and sit for a while? I need to go to bed soon, but you look so goddamn pitiful."

"I would love that. Yes please."

You ask, "Do you want something to drink? I have alcoholic and non-alcoholic options. I'm going to pour myself a glass of red wine. Would you like some?"

Jin looks at you suspiciously and asks, "Why did you open the door for me? And yes. I would love a glass of red."

Pouring two glasses of red wine, you hand one over to Jin and take one for yourself. Then you reply, "I don't know. Maybe because you weren't trying to bulldoze your way in here. So, where is Katie?"

He replies, "I don't know."

"What does that mean?"

Jin says, "After seeing you Friday, I just couldn't do it anymore. So, she and I had a conversation on Friday night after the get-together and ended it."

You say, "I'm sorry, Dumpy. She seemed nice and very pretty."

He laughs and looks down at the wine glass.

You ask, "What's funny?"

"Seeing the two of you side by side that night.... Doll face, she can't even hold a candle to you. Your partners seem quite taken with you too. Clayton made me tell him about the Roberts and how taken they were with you. I think he's got his eyes on you."

You laugh and say, "Don't be absurd."

Jin says, "Well, I was right about that client of yours. Wasn't I?"

You chuckle and say, "I guess you were."

Jin asks, "So, how are you two doing?"

"Okay, I guess. Already had our first tiff."

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