Chapter 25

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When you land in Heathrow airport, your phone, which switched over to BST automatically upon arrival, indicates that it is 10:00 PM You notice that the airport is quite empty this time of night. When you get through customs, you collect your two large pieces of luggage and exit the terminal. As you walk out to the main part of the airport, you see a man dressed in a well-tailored suit with your name on an iPad screen. You walk up to the gentleman and say, "Hi, that's me!"

The man says, "Hello Miss, Welcome to London. Here, let me take your baggage. The car is this way." He introduces himself as Oliver Burton. He appears to be in his early to mid-forties. He is tall and most of it is in his legs. He has a generous smile and absolutely lovely standard British accent. He has broad shoulders that narrows at his waist. From the back, he reminds you of Josh. You let out a sigh and think, "Josh and my piss poor timing."

You say, "Hello Mr. Burton. It is very nice to meet you."

"Same here and please call me Oliver." You also ask him to address you by your given name. Oliver continues, "Now, I'll be your driver for the duration of your stay unless something changes. I was informed that it will most likely be around six to twelve months."

You reply, "You are correct. I would have driven myself, but I'm not very confident in my ability to master driving on the opposite side of the street."

"Well, this probably will be the stress-free way to travel. Now, I believe you have access to a vehicle on my off hours and I'm not supposed to do this, but I would be happy to give you some driving lessons so that you'll feel more comfortable driving here."

You say, "Wow, that would be fantastic. Thank you Oliver!"

"My pleasure. So, right now, I'll be bringing you to your new flat. That will be your new home for the next year or so. It is fully furnished, and it's been cleaned from top to bottom. You must be knackered. It's only about 35-minute drive from here, so you can just relax."

Once you get to the car, Oliver loads the luggage in the trunk. While he is doing so, you decide to send texts to all the people that may be waiting for the news of your arrival. The first text you send are to your brothers.

Hey Lads.
I've arrived in Heathrow with no problem.
I am currently on my way to my new flat.
Ha! Talking like the natives.
Anyway, the flight was smooth, and I am feeling good.
It is 10:00 PM here.
So, I'll either have to put myself to sleep or stay away for the next 24 hours, so that I can acclimate to the time change.
Well, I love you guys so much and text me when you get a chance.
Love and miss you.

The next text goes to Michelle.

Hey Girrrrrrrl.
I have arrived!!!
It is middle of the night here right now, but my body says, "No, it's about 3 in the afternoon."
I hope everything is going smoothly over there.
I miss you.
I get to meet my administrative assistant here, tomorrow morning.
Let's see if he/she can hold a candle to you.
Probably not.
Text me as soon as you can.
I love you and miss you already.

Then to Jordan.

Hi Jordan.
My feet are on London soil.
The flight was smooth and easy.
The driver that was hired here is delightful.
I'm quite excited to start tomorrow.
I'm on my way to the new flat.
Maybe I'll take some pictures and send them to you.
You can consider the satellite office as good as fully operational, now that I am here.
I'll check in with you after the first day!

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