Chapter 21

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Clock on the wall says, 6:00 PM. Remembering that you have to stop by the store to get a host gift, you decide to head out. Not really sure of what the attire should be, you decide to go with the weekend casual. So, you put on your jeans and a long-sleeved black shirt. You think, "Neat, presentable without being too stuffy. I think I'll be okay." You decide to get a bottle of Maker's mark as a gift and head over to Park Jimin's home.

The ride takes about thirty minutes and when you get there, it is 6:55. You think, "I really don't want to be the first one to arrive." You decide to text Jordan to see where he is.

Where are you?

I just found parking. I'm going to be heading in.
Where are you?

Sitting in my car.
I didn't want to be the first one to arrive.

I'm walking over now.
I think I see your car.
Did you just flash your high beams?

I see you.
I'm coming out.

You see that Jordan is in something akin to IBM casual. Light blue polo shirt and khakis. He's got a bag full of something that he has with him. Jordan asks, "What's in your brown bag?"

You open up the bag to bring out a fifth of whiskey. Jordan says, "Oh! He'll like that."

Smiling, you say, "What you got there?"

He lowers the bag so that you can peek in, and you see beer, chips, and some other snack foods. You ask, "Does everyone have a thing that they bring to the game every time?"

Jordan replies, "Not really. If you want something specific, you can bring it. The host usually has finger food and things to munch on. It's really laid back. Nothing to stress out about."

Jimin lives in a beautiful brownstone building. When Jordan rings the doorbell, you hear the door buzz and unlock. Jordan pushes the door open and walks in. He says, "He has the entire top floor. He's got a really nice place here. The two of you walk up three flights of stairs and see that the door to his apartment is slightly ajar. Jordan pushes the door open and says, "Knock knock!" As you enter the apartment, you quietly remove your shoes and push them over to the side, out of everyone's way and enter the place in your bare feet.

You can hear talking coming from the living room. Clayton and Sam are sitting on the couch chatting and when you and Jordan enter the living room, they turn and say hello. Clayton gets up and greets you. He says, "Welcome to your first poker night. Do you think you're ready?"

You say, "I had my three younger brothers gave me a quick lesson, but we'll see. I'm still trying to get the hang of it. But as long as the penalty for losing isn't stripping, I think I'll be okay."

Clayton guffaws and Sam turns to look at you with eyes big as saucers. He says, "Woah... are we playing by new rules?"

Clayton tells him what happened during the partner interview and Sam's eyes grow into the size of saucers again. Clayton says, "It is at her mercy that I still have a job. If she'd gone to HR, I would have been toast."

Jordan says, "Where is the host?"

Clayton tilts his chin towards the kitchen and when you turn to look, Jimin is in his kitchen setting up food. He is actually in an apron, and you think, "Well, never thought I would see that."

You and Jordan walk into the kitchen, and you say, "We come bearing gifts. Well, I come bearing a gift. I don't know what Jordan's bag is supposed to be." Jordan elbows you and you laugh.

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