Chapter 13

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Instead of having Jin drop you off at work, you have him bring you home so that you can drive yourself into work. When you get to work on Monday morning, Michelle greets you and says, "Hey, I got a call from Janice. Looks like Jordan wants to set up that partner interview this week. He is suggesting tomorrow morning sometime.  Are you okay with that?"

You reply, "Yes. I was expecting things to start soon. Actually, sooner the better." Then Michelle reviews with you, what your schedule is going to be for today. You have one meeting late morning and then 2 more in the afternoon. You say, "It's good that I'm attracting all these new clients, but I feel like I'm starting to drown. I'm really going to have to start putting in more hours at work." When Michelle leaves your office, you get your things together and prep for the first meeting of the day. This will be a new client meeting. You review the initial notes, and it appears that the case will involve setting up contracts for special project that a local marketing company is looking to start. Usually, the first meeting with the client consists of gathering information and finding out what the client wants to accomplish. You grab your yellow legal pad in your portfolio and walk out of your office. 

As soon as you step out of your office, Michelle says, "Your morning appointment is really cute. I mean, Wow. I couldn't look away from him."

You ask, "Is he prettier than Dumpy?"

Michelle answers, "No, not prettier, but this one, phew.... There is something about him. I can't put my finger on it, but oh my God, I would like to put my fingers all over it."

You say, chuckling, "Down girl, down! If it comes up, I'll put in a good word for you. Now, I'm really curious. I better go." Michelle gives you her two thumbs up.

Filled with curiosity, you head over to the meeting location. When you get to the smaller conference room, there is a tall man in his early 30s sitting outside. The man is definitely not prettier than Jin, but there is, without a doubt, a certain je ne sais quoi about this man. You approach him with your practiced smile on your face and introduce yourself as you extend your hand for a shake. 

He takes your hand and shakes it and proceeds to introduce himself. "Hi, I'm Josh Taylor. Very nice to meet you."

"Hi, Mr. Taylor, this way please," you say as you point him to the conference room.

The man says, "Please call me Josh."

You reply, "Sure Josh. Please have a seat." The two of you sit across from each other at the conference room table. You start by saying, "I got the broad strokes from the initial interaction with your firm. I understand that you are looking to do some projects that haven't really been done within your company and what you need is outside of your legal department's expertise. So, tell me how I can help."

About 10 minutes into your meeting, someone knocks on the door to the conference room.  Confused, you say, "Josh, excuse me." And turn towards the door to say, "Come in?"

When the door opens, it is Michelle coming into the conference room with coffee and cookies. You look up at her with incredulity and amused curiosity painted all over your face. Then you say, "Oh, we are doing this now, I see. Oh... Okay. Well, thank you so much Michelle. Wherever did you find these cookies." Then she gives you a dirty look before she turns and walks towards the door. You can't help but chuckle to yourself.

Before she walks out, she turns to look at Josh, but addresses you and says, "If you need anything else, just text me. I'll be happy to bring it over."

You say, "I bet," and continue to chuckle under your breath. You turn to Josh and offer, "Cream? Sugar?"

He replies, "Yes, thank you that's very kind."

You say, "Yes, that's Michelle. She is my administrative assistant. She is definitely a resourceful little thing." You have a real hard time hiding your smile.

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