Chapter 23

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When you finally get home, the second you step into the kitchen and the door closes behind you, you collapse onto the floor. In a fetal position, you use your arm as a pillow and allow the tears to fall. You didn't think it would feel this bad. You think, "This is ridiculous. I've only known him for a short period of time. I've got to get it together."

That's when you hear a frantic banging on the kitchen door and someone yelling. "Hey, HEY!!! Doll Face. Are you okay? Hey Baby! Fuck! Baby, are you hurt? CAN YOU HEAR ME?" You pick up your head and turn towards the door and see Jin standing there with look of utter panic at seeing your body sprawled across your kitchen floor. You wipe your face dry with the sleeve of your suit jacket and stand up to open the kitchen door for him. As soon as you open the door a crack, he pushes his way in and wraps his arms around you. "Holy shit, what the fuck were you doing on the kitchen floor? I thought you had fainted or passed out or something worse. I was this close to breaking the glass pane on your door. Do NOT fucking do that to me again!"

Watching him with his wild eyes, filled with fear and concern, warms your heart. You say, "I'm sorry Dumpy, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm just really upset."

Jin loosens his grip on you and looks down at you and asks, "How did it go?"

"He told me that I was the one he wanted and no one else, and that he just needed a little more time to get himself together. I knew it would be hard to end things with him, but I didn't expect it to be this hard. I've only been with him for few weeks."

Jin asks, "So how did you two leave it?"

"We are done. But we'll remain friends, talk every day, etc."

Jin murmurs under his breath, "Over my fucking dead body."

You chuckle and say, "If you knew him, you'd like him too."

"Maybe, but he profited off of my stupidity and I am going to reap the benefits of his negligence."

Genuinely curious, you ask, "What do you mean?"

"I am completely and truly unfettered. There isn't anyone or anything between you and me. I'm not talking to anyone, there isn't anyone texting me or calling me. And now that you've shed this Josh character, it's just you and me."


"And? What do you mean and? You should have been the one that was in my arms this entire time. You should have been with me and not Josh. He will never have another taste of you as long as I live. You mark my words. I am going to marry the fuck out of you, knock you up, and that'll be that. You are mine and have always been mine. That has never changed, and it never will. I love you and you love me. Stop being absurd. I want you to be back with me. You are my girl."

"Dumpy, I appreciate your enthusiasm and your sentiment, but I'm feeling a bit raw right now and I don't think I'll be jumping into something else immediately. I just need some alone time to figure things out. Remember, I told you, I don't want my teeth kicked in anymore. This was the last time and until I figure out why I keep picking the wrong men, I'm not going to go into anything else."

Jin says, "I can't speak for the other two men, but when you picked me, you made the right choice. You weren't the problem. I was. I was being a fucking asshole. I know what you are worth. I am going to worship the ground that you walk on. I am not going to take you for granted ever again. So, if it's time you need to figure things out for yourself, have at it. But you are with ME. From this very second forward."

"You know you make zero sense right now. Right? You are saying you are going to give me time to figure things out for myself, but in the next breath you say I'm with you. I can't be alone and be with you at the same time. That's not how physics works."

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